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Alessia Traverso reaffirmed her role as a singer and announced new songs: “I am fully focused”

The former “Big Brother” participant delved into her artistic vein, revealing that she has more songs to publish. “We’re playing a lot with styles. It will always be pop, but we want to vary it,” she said.

A few days ago, the former Gran Hermano Chile participant, Alessia Traverso, published her first single called eX.

Alessia had announced through her Instagram on several occasions thatHe was working on his musical career.

On this topic she was consulted by Time Xinterview in which he stated that “and“I’m completely focused on music.”

In this context, the singer gave details about the creation of his recent song.

We wrote this song a long time ago, but We take our time to get it out along with others that are also on the way,” took advantage of revealing to the aforementioned medium.

Regarding eX’s lyrics he added that “qWe wanted to make a song in which the rest could represent themselves and feel identified with moments in your life, such as breakups or heartbreak.

Furthermore, he took the opportunity to delve into the musical style he adopted, refusing to pigeonhole himself into just one. “We are playing a lot with styles. It will always be pop, but we want to vary”he explained.

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