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“I’m going home, I’m going to leave the show”

Things are starting to take on a different flavor. Top Chef VIP 3. The pressure to do a good job is getting stronger and stress is growing among the participants.

Although the relationship between them is quite good in general, this Wednesday something happened that generated great tension in the reality. Two of them had a confrontation where things were said without much filter.

The episode was witnessed by his colleagues, who, in some cases, took a position and even complained about what they considered to be an inappropriate attitude on the part of one of them.

Top Chef VIP.

VIP Top Chef

This week Pancho Uresti and The Child Prodigy They fell into an argument that, although it began with laughter and jokes, ended up being anything but pleasant.

“She’s so fat, have surgery because you’re fat, you have terrible-looking breasts,” the Child told her ironically. To which his interlocutor could not remain silent.

“As you can see, he has already crossed the line, one thing is toleration and another is lack of respect,” Pancho said, annoyed. “You are already insulting the physique… You put up with me,” warned the singer, who confessed that he had suffered obesity problems as a child and that these comments were unnecessary.

Given what she experienced, one of the participants could not remain silent and expressed her discomfort. “A very ugly comment was made, I’m not going to say who… I love the person he said it to very much, it wasn’t towards me but it hurt me,” he said. Rosie Rivera about what happened.

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A situation that made the Dominican astrologer feel bad and think about giving up. “I want to go home, I’m going to leave the show… I felt bad,” he said, crying, very affected, while Rosie tried to clarify things. “I have never seen any human being cry like that, I don’t understand why so much, but at the same time I feel a lot of compassion,” the businesswoman continued.

Until now the group had remained quite united and without episodes that fractured that unity. In the end everyone gave themselves over to the stove, but the fracture is made. Will they overcome it?

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