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Furia’s EXPLOSIVE reaction against Bautista after the fight with Martín that DETONATED everything in Big Brother

Big Brother 2023 It’s exploding, now that there are fewer and fewer participants and everyone wants to win the jackpot. This time, the strong reaction of Rage with the girlfriend of Martin, Marisolwhich ended in a difficult crossing, left consequences and broke the good relationship they had.

Fury did not forgive Martín’s girlfriend, he launched a strong criticism and Big Brother broke out again: “Great actress”

Everyone saw what happened yesterday. I don’t play for anyone“, was what could be seen saying to his face, Juliana to Bautista. It is important to highlight that, since the instructor of fitness group argued strongly with the Chinese, The Bros They decided to make him “the cross” and let him loose his hand for the strategies, now that they are a few days away from the final.

This happened this Thursday, after last night’s girlfriend was eliminated. Martinwith the fight on top between Rage and him, tempers were absolutely frayed and she resumed her reactive attitude inside the house. Big Brother.

“Just shouting is boring”; “It’s impressive how they cut the transmission or change the camera whenever she starts delirious/screaming to take care of her, they don’t even hide it anymore”; “Now, Furia is going to say that Baptista’s cousin looks at her badly and is envious of her”; “The production does not want us to see its violence and, later, they say that it is not a game of values”; commented some of the fans.

Who are the participants still inside the Big Brother 2023 house?

  • Martin Ku
  • Emmanuel Vich
  • Nicolas Grosman
  • Juliana “Furia” Scaglione
  • Bautista Mascia
  • Darío Martínez

Which participants have already been eliminated from Big Brother

  • Carla Destefano
  • Hernán “El Negro” Ontivero
  • Axel Klekaylo
  • Williams Lopez
  • Florencia Cabrera
  • Denise Gonzalez
  • Alan Simone
  • Sabrina Cortez (twice)
  • Lucia Maidana
  • Lisandro Navarro
  • Isabel Denegri (expulsion)
  • Denisse González (twice)
  • Rosina Beltran
  • Damian Cesarmorsa
  • Joel Ojeda
  • Catalina Gorostidi
  • Paloma Mendez
  • Coty Romero
  • Federico “Manzana” Farías
  • Mauro Dalessio
  • Zoe Bogach
  • Florence Regidor
  • Virginia Demo

Martín Ku broke a fundamental rule of Big Brother in a talk with his girlfriend and they ask for his expulsion: “It is prohibited”

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