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Bautista Mascia goes for Fury and will use a controversial strategy to eliminate her from Big Brother

Thursday, June 13, 2024


In Big Brother decisive hours are lived after the arrival of family members. The arrival of HammockFuria’s sister, left everything upside down because he gave her a sign to go against the Chinese and generated a scandal.

The thing is that what they denounce from the fandom of Martin Ku, is that Juliana received information from outside again and no one does anything. In this controversial context, another quite particular situation also occurred between the players.

It turns out that the guests will participate in a trip to Cuba. A detail that is not overlooked is that Darío’s leadership left many surprises, which is why Hammock decided to leave and last night Chinese He told his girlfriend to leave.

Faced with this situation that arises, all the radars were turned on within G.H. and mainly those of Bautista. The young Uruguayan did a quick read of what is happening in the reality show and explained the strategies to follow. Martinwith the sole objective of making her step on the stick Scaglione.

“Furia is the only person who is in the nomination. If we give her that award, she would not gain anything other than the benefit of removing someone from the nomination because she will continue to be nominated and if she goes to the final it is because she was eliminated.” the people,” he began by saying.

This unexpected maneuver, which somewhat breaks the isolation between the participants because it has never happened before that they see so many times with family, to Baptist It’s on purpose. With the sole objective of wanting to complicate The Broslittle by little they begin to be more cornered to vote among themselves.


That is why, as Rage She is in trouble and they cannot lower her, she prefers that she keep the trip, not use her benefit and in this way, the cost they would have to pay for continuing with real chances for the final is losing a trip and Juliana becoming weaker.

“They do this to create a ruckus between us, but if in the end, we’re all going to go to the plate, let him keep the prize and we won’t shoot each other and that’s it. Simply.” Upon hearing what he said, the Chinese He banked his position and Los Bro are going to join in that play.

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