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Martín Cirio compared Nicolás from Big Brother to a down child and was harshly repudiated

“What was it that made you fall in love with Nico? He’s physically beautiful, but you have to (fall in love with Nico). At what moment did it click?”Martín Cirio asked him. “Lately I was involved with stupid men. It’s like they didn’t have much coherence, they don’t listen to you, they don’t talk about interesting things, it’s always football, football,” Flor responded.

“You’re describing Nico.”warned the influencer. “No! He’s super intelligent, he talks about conspiracy theories”remarked the guest. “Very stupid theories…” Cirio retorted. “But it makes me tender, idiot,” Flor added. “Tenderness like a down baby can give you,” the driver concluded.

On the networks, the YouTube comment aroused harsh reactions. “Since he appeared, he has been laughing at down kids. He used to make jokes that they were the lowest in society. He is a horrible person”, “By God, what a lack of respect for kids with down syndrome”, “Disgusting, I hate what he said”, “He was always misplaced and says super cancelable things”, were some of the messages from users.

Florencia Regidor from Big Brother referred to her complicated relationship with Nicolás’s parents

After what Florence Regidor expressed his enormous sadness via social networks when he saw that the gift he had sent to Nicolas Grosman through his mother, who entered the house of Big Brother 2023 (Telefe) on Monday night, now the former little sister opened up about the tense relationship she maintains with her lover’s family.

This morning, in A la Barbarossawas Pia Shaw who consulted the former player about the family of Nico: “I found out in the hallways that you looked pretty bad these last few days because they don’t treat you well and don’t greet you or pretend you don’t exist.”.

It was there when Florence clarified: They never treated me badly, but I did not like seeing everything that was said about me. Both his family and her friends said it was harming Nico.. They were ugly things, but the truth is that I never talked about it. “It is the first time I mention it because I always tried to have respect and not talk about it.”.

While immediately Councilor He assured that he had hopes of smoothing things over with the family of Nicholaswho campaigned to have her removed from the game. “I hope we can get to know each other well but hey, Yesterday I collapsed and I was distressed because I saw everything… friends’ tweets, and things that I didn’t deservehe expressed.

Florencia Regidor captures A la Barossa.jpg

Besides, Flower sumo: “They have said that I am a troll, that they were not going to invite me to eat barbecues, and those are things that hurt me as a person more than anything”and then reveal that Gustavothe dad of Nicocontacted her to apologize. “He told me that everything that had happened was for a game but it ended up affecting me the same and I collapsed”. ““I would like to be loved, accepted and have a good relationship.”she admitted distressed.

“I keep asking myself: ‘Why don’t they love me? I know you don’t know me, but I would like you to give me the opportunity to chat. I saw everything they uploaded. Why do I deserve to be called ‘trolence’ or things like that when I always took care of him? Or that they put together distorted edits in which they put a photo of Nicolás crying as if it were for me?”he lamented on the verge of crying.

Meanwhile, about the gift he gave to his mother Nicholas to take you and it seems that you did not reach your destination, Flower concluded: “I met the mother and gave her something to take but well, I understand that they still don’t know me and maybe they don’t…”left half finished, implying that they have no intention of bringing them very close.

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