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The tarot predicted the future of Martín Ku in Big Brother after his strong crossing with Furia Scaglione

Written in SHOWS he 6/13/2024 · 6:40 p.m.

During the six months that he was inside the house, Martin Ku won many important awards in Big Brotherincluding a house and a play 5. Of course, due to his good vibes and the number of times he achieved the lead, he was one of the main candidates to reach the final.

However, this week relatives of the participants entered, including MarisolChino’s girlfriend, who did not go down very well with viewers and neither did Scaglione Furywho on Wednesday night decided to have her expelled for the day, along with her mother Nicolas Grosman, causing a strong confrontation with his partner.

The young man was nominated and it is clear that this fight with Juliana could not favor him, since she will target Martín, something that Coy previously warned him abouthis sister, when he entered the reality show.

Given this, on social networks they showed what the tarot cards say about the future of Chino, about whether he will reach the final for the 50 million pesos, which are already 70, or he will have to leave the most famous house in the country.

This may be Martin’s last week. The end of the Bro is approaching. He is realizing where he is and is concerned and affected by the crossing with Juliana Scaglione. He has fear! Their friendship is ending. We see that he declared war on Fury and is trying to think of a strategy to see how he gets out of this“, he said via x the check @alejobladimiir.

Likewise, there is still a way out: Darío Martínez Corti, the leader of the week, lowered him, but it is difficult for him to do so, since he is very close to Furia. If this happens, according to virtual polls, the favorite to leave is Nicolás.

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