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Martín Ku is willing to sacrifice himself so that Bautista and Nicolás reach the final of Big Brother

Looking ahead to Sunday, Martín had a conversation with Los Bros, in which he made it clear to them that he is willing to immolate himself and become the next eliminated, in order to give them a new week in the game.

El Chino foresees that a one-on-one with Juliana is coming and does not rule out having to leave the reality show. In that scenario, the boy wanted to reassure his friends: “In the versus, either I leave or she leaves, but you advance one place more,” he pointed.

Everything can change from today to Sunday, the truth is that, if you doubt, the definition will be something epic and an early final.

Fierce crossover between Martín and Furia due to the elimination of family members in Big Brother: “Your girlfriend is envious of me”

At the nomination gala of Big Brother (Telefe) this Wednesday, the players had the difficult task of eliminating two relatives of the participants.

At the SUM, the little brothers had a heated debate about who should go and Juliana ‘Furia’ Scaglione and Martin Ku the sparks were removed.

The ‘Bros’, Bautista Mascia, Nicolás Grosman and Martín, They voted to remove Nicolás, the husband of Emmanuel Vich. While, Darío Martínez Corti and Immanuel, to Antonella, Nicolás’s mother. However, Fury thought that she should leave. Maria, Chino’s girlfriend.

“I would love for Mari to stay,” said the Chinese. “No to me. I don’t want to. Because I see that she gets on like a fool with my sister… She looks at me with faces that I don’t like because she is an actress of the…, “He is envious of who I am.”, the tattooed girl shot.

“Is Mari going to envy you? Yes, fair,” Martín launched ironically. “Out, out! fed up with lazy people, Enough, you tired me out”, Fury yelled at him. “Mari is not a falluta, eh. That’s all I’m going to tell you,” Chino said angrily, who stood up and approached the player.

“Come on, get the shit out of you, actor,” Fury argued, prompting the Chinese to become even more irritated. “Yes, actress, come on”he replied. “I’m tired of these assholes coming to look at me with blank faces,” the participant complained full of anger.

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