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Zoe Bogach defended herself on social networks after her followers accused her of speaking in an elevated tone: “Sorry, I speak like that”

Written in SHOWS he 6/13/2024 · 6:28 p.m.

Zoe Bogach She was one of the most glamorous participants of Big Brother 2023. Although he was characterized by having a life of luxury outside of reality, The former player did not hesitate to check it out outside the most famous house.

Characterized by being one of the people who least likes to work, according to what she said during the casting to enter GH, Zoe did not resist criticism from users and He defended himself through a forceful video published on his TikTok account after being told that his tone of voice is ‘cheto’.

“I know that they told me that I don’t have to clarify anything or that I don’t have to go out and say anything, but they are telling me a lot that I speak differently than what I speak at home, that they don’t know what I have in my mouth”explained the former contestant.

Continuing with the topic, he added: “I put on lips, when I entered the house I had lips, obviously after five months they went away and when I left I put them back on, I don’t know why I speak strange, for me I speak normal. Maybe you were not used to listening to me speaking to the cell phone, sorry, but I speak like that.”

To end, the former participant accustomed to a luxurious life explained: “For people who say they don’t understand me when I speak, I have a cold, maybe I speak differently for that reason too, I don’t know guys, I don’t know what to tell you, sorry for speaking differently than I spoke at home, I hope I have clarified your doubts ”.

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