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Prodigy Boy burst into tears on Top Chef VIP after arguing with another participant


The popular reality show VIP Top Chef It has become a show full of emotion, tension and unforgettable moments. In this third season, viewers have witnessed intense culinary competitions, but also bonding problems between the participants themselves. In a recent episode, the renowned astrologer Víctor Florencio, known as the Child Prodigy burst into tears after an argument with another contestant.

This week was not only marked by the eliminations of Alejandro López and Diana Reyes, but also because of the relationships between celebrities, who begin to reveal their differences after four weeks of the program. Among them stands out the Prodigy Child, owner of a personality that does not go unnoticed and that causes several frictions.

Diana Reyes became the sixth eliminated from Top Chef VIP 3Photo Instagram @telemundo

As usual, after each culinary challenge, the participants meet in a living room to rest and talk.. These moments of conviviality, away from the pressure of the kitchen, are usually relaxing, although they can also become a breeding ground for tensions and misunderstandings. In one of these talks, There was a phrase that deeply bothered Rosie Rivera, one of the participants of the program. “A very ugly comment was made, I’m not going to say who or how. “She wasn’t towards me, but she hurt me,” she expressed in front of the judges.

The Prodigy Child is part of the list of celebrities competing for the $200,000 prize in the third season of Top Chef VIPPhoto Telemundo

Although he did not point out anyone directly, the cameras captured the reaction of the astrologer, who was concerned when he perceived that the comment was directed at him. “If this is going to turn toxic, I hand over my knives.”added the famous one.

The origin of the conflict dates back to a humorous comment that Víctor Florencio made towards Pancho Urestianother participant in the show. “Go get surgery because you’re fat!”, was the astrologer’s phrase towards the musical artist. This created an atmosphere of discomfort and annoyance among the other contestants.

“I think Rosie misinterpreted something that is a game that I play with Pancho.”explained Niño Prodigio in statements to Telemundo. However, the situation had already escalated and the astrologer could not help but feel overwhelmed by the tension of the moment.

In an attempt to clarify the situation, the native of the Dominican Republic approached Rivera to express his regret. “I want to go home, I’m going to leave the show,” he said at first, visibly moved. The famous woman responded that that was not her purpose and she tried to console him. Despite her efforts, Prodigy Boy couldn’t help but burst into tears and showed a vulnerability that few had seen before.

His companions, spectators of the situation, were confused by what was happening. For his part, Pancho Uresti questioned the sincerity of the famous astrologer. “Faker than a two dollar bill”, he attacked.

The incident highlights coexistence, one of the most challenging aspects of VIP Top Chef. Beyond culinary skills, Participants must learn to live and work together in a high-pressure environment on the way to the $200,000 grand prize..


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