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Santiago del Moro revealed how Big Brother will continue in its final stretch

Santiago del Moro told how the last weeks of the reality show continue (El Club del Moro – La 100)

After a weekend full of tension, the most famous house in the country prepares to leave for a new era. This Monday there will be an atypical Elimination Gala in Big Brother (Telefe), which will leave all participants facing each other. Especially to Martín Ku and Juliana Rage Scaglione, the two figures who are shaping up to reach the grand finale, which is getting closer.

After removing Virginia Demo from the competition, The fans put their hopes in the two players. Both managed to become public favorites, which led to a division of sides. In a head-to-head that they were able to show from the beginning of this edition, the man from Rio Negro and the stuntwoman reached one of the final stages and hope to move to the last three to leave the house.

According to the host of the program himself, Santiago del Moro, in its radial cycle The Moor’s Club (La 100), the competition will unfold as follows after this Monday’s elimination: “We have Gala tonight because it will be like a final, the final will be defined, the best five. Then we have a new program on Tuesday, Gala on Wednesday and we just return for the Gala on Sunday. On Sunday the 7th, the winner of the house comes out, Monday, July 8 is the last program, which is three weeks away today. That same day we make note of the winners and then the party and toast are held with everyone.”

Martín and Furia became the favorites of this season (Big Brother – Telefe/DGO)

“Last night, imagine that they asked me everything about Big Brother, but it was not the time to talk about those issues,” explained the entertainer, referring to the Martín Fierro de Radio 2024 awards ceremony that took place on Sunday. “I have so much to talk about, so, so, so much. We’ll see who leaves today. For tonight there is a voting record, millions and millions of votes. They are early finals, as happened with Virginia,” del Moro said regarding the night that will take place this Monday, in which they predict that it will be resolved between Ku and Scaglione.

The first time the date of the final was confirmed was in the reality show (Video: Big Brother – Telefe/DGO)

The aforementioned date was confirmed, for the first time, by the animator on Tuesday, June 4 after speculation about the closure of the program. After much expectation, the players learned their destiny from the main figure. With a golden envelope in his hand, he told them when the end of the competition would take place.. Added to this was the explanation that there will be “a super special edition with notes, more dinner, more show, more emotions and more, a lot of things. So on 7 there will be the last three and Monday will be the last program of this cycle, which has been the most extensive in the Argentine Republic”.

Santiago del Moro talks about the details of the closure of the program (El Club del Moro – La 100)

Being one of the longest-lasting broadcasts in the history of the country, since will end with 210 days from its start on December 11, 2023, the players will progressively insert themselves into public life. This was commented on at another time during the Santiago radio cycle, who explained to his panel what the accompaniment of the participants will be like. “The first day they meet at the hotel. After 24 to 48 hours, they give him the cell phone for a while and the isolation is broken.”, he commented.

“In the next few weeks I will tell them some things that have happened, when I have dinner with them I will show them some things that have happened, because they saw that many people say that they are not isolated, they have been isolated for seven months. Think that they have been isolated since before (Javier) Milei took office“, continued the host of the reality show, who emphasized the impact that going abroad can have.

“They have people 24 hours a day to talk to, They go (to the confessional) and ask many questions, some are answered and others are not.and when they leave there they go and say that they talked about things that never happened. They are putting together puzzles with pieces that don’t fit.“, with some looks from the people who enter, some things that they are clarifying, but they have been isolated since December,” he concluded in reference to the process that will govern the players as they leave the house.

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