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Martín Ku received the worst betrayal in Big Brother within hours of his possible departure

A video went viral with the terrible betrayal that Martin Ku suffered.mp4

Martín Ku and Furia facing each other in Big Brother

This incident occurred after a heated argument between Martín and Furia during the nominees’ dinner. The fight, marked by shouts and accusations, left a mark on the dynamics of the house, and Arturo, apparently, took sides.

Spectators were quick to comment on the event on social media, interpreting the dog’s behavior as a sign of support for Fury. “He doesn’t want to get close to him,” observed one user, highlighting the animal’s loyalty to the stuntwoman. Other users added: “He barks at him because he defends Fury” and “When animals choose it is because they see further. They feel and understand everything.”

The moment was captured on a video that quickly went viral, showing Martín trying to calm Arturo down without success. Fury intervened, trying to calm the dog with soft words: “Calm down, calm down, relax. Everything is fine, relax.” But Arturo remained restless, perhaps reflecting the tension accumulated in the house.

How is the relationship between Martín Ku and Furia

The relationship between Martín and Furia has been tense for a long time, with numerous frictions and arguments that have marked their coexistence. The nomination plate has confronted them directly, increasing the chances that “Chino” will be the next eliminated from the game. This new conflict, in which even the house pet seems to take sides, has added an additional layer of drama to an already explosive situation.

Arturo’s presence in the Big Brother house has been a topic of constant debate. While his inclusion has brought moments of tenderness and fun, it has also raised concerns about his well-being. Some spectators have stated on social networks that the dog could be affected by the high tension environment and the constant fights between the participants. “The climate of constant tension could affect him. For this reason, many fans have asked that the production remove him from the house for his own good,” suggested a user on Twitter.

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