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Del Moro was booed by the Big Brother stands and Cata Gorostidi left the live program: The reasons

The end of Big Brother is approaching and the production cannot escape the scandal. Juliana “Furia” Scaglione, the most controversial player of this editionmade a reprehensible comment about HIV that outraged viewers of the reality show.

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«I realized that he couldn’t even see me, he connected with the whole house but he couldn’t see me. “What do I have? HIV, the smell of shit, what doesn’t come close to me?” Juliana said. chatting with Emmanuel, referring to Marisol, Martín Ku’s girlfriend. Santiago Del Moro referred to the topic and was booed by the audience.

Santiago Del Moro explained how to use a condom live but what he said next angered fans

«There has been a lot of talk about Fury’s unfortunate, misplaced statements regarding HIV.. And I said: how to take advantage of this? In this way, I already did it last year,” Santiago Del Moro, host of Big Brother, began by saying in the middle of the program.

Then, Del Moro decided to explain how to use a condom, the only contraceptive method that prevents the transmission of HIV. “Guys, it’s nothing to laugh at, it’s bullshit. Listen because this is what you have to use to take care of yourself and enjoy your body,” said Santiago. after the explanation, to some laughter in the background.

After, He continued giving a speech that many took as “a defense of Fury.”something that greatly bothered the fans and especially the program’s tribune.

«I ask you, with a hand on my heart, If you had 7 months with cameras, 24 hours a day, wouldn’t you say something that would stop the outside…? the driver began saying, but was interrupted by murmurs and boos from the stands. «Guys, not about this…Well, you are chosen and angeled beings. Santiago responded, visibly angry.

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«At no time did you give your opinion about another’s body, about the neighbor’s life?…please, respect what I’m talking about» He continued amidst the boos. «At no time did they criticize someone for what they wore, for having cellulite, did they not tell this woman that she was old? She’s not against anyone guys» he expressed.

Catalina’s intervention: Why she left the study

Given this, the former player Catherine Gorostidi, who was on the platform, decided to make an important clarification.

As a doctor, I am going to say that HIV is a very important thing. It’s very cancelable of her (what she said) and No person here tells a joke or makes a comment that because you get close to a person you will get HIV. These things have to be educated” the pediatrician said angrily.

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“Cata, that is not up for discussion,” Del Moro tried to interrupt her but she continued. “It is not under discussion, but it must be highlighted” Catherine added. «That is not even in discussion. You’ll point it out to them the day it comes out.” The driver said and closed the topic.

Given this, Catalina left the program indignant, something she later clarified on X (Twitter). “I’m perfectly ok! I left dancing and singing in my truck with Vir, Denu and Flor. We went to dinner with Joe, Manza, Lulu, Luchi, Jaz, Vir, Delfi, Mechi, Agos, El Paisa and Hernán. Tell me what it’s like to be loved. Thank you everybody I love you» the former participant tweeted.

For more information about prevention about HIV you can visit the Fundación Huésped website, organization that has been raising awareness about HIV and fighting stigmatization since 1989.

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