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‘Survivors 2024’ final: who has won | Pedro García Aguado wins ‘Survivors 2024’ and takes home the 200,000 euros prize

Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 01:52

| Updated 02:10h.

The final of ‘Survivors 2024’ has begun with an epic helicopter arrival of the finalists and also the presenter. For the first time in the history of the program, Jorge Javier Vázquez has entered the Fuencarral set in his own helicopter. The finalists have been very excited to put an end to this adventure. Next, Gorka, the last one expelled, entered to remember his contest and talk about his experience in ‘Survivors 2024’.

First runner-up

Since Torres had become leader he did not have to face the first expulsion of the night. The public has decided that the first contestant to continue on his way to the final was Marieta. On the other hand, the first expelled was between Pedro and Arkano. Finally, the Alicante rapper has been eliminated and the “older brother” has accompanied Torres and Marieta.

Arkano has been very happy with the contest he has done. It should be remembered that he was about to abandon his experience halfway through. He has been very grateful to the public for taking him there. “I didn’t think you were going to reach the final,” Jorge Javier confessed, laughing. Later, he reunited with Alazne Aurrekoetxea, his partner.

Tests and new expelled

Then the tests took place. The first of them was the ‘Altar of Poseidon’. The contestants had to create their own ladder with pieces to climb to the top with a torch. The winner was Torres and in second place was Marieta. Therefore, Pedro has become nominated.

Afterwards, it was the turn of ‘The Yugo of Poseidon’, the last test of the contest. Marieta and Torres entered a swimming pool and had to release the different padlocks they had tied to the keys that were at the bottom. Torres has won and has therefore secured his place in the final duel. Marieta and Pedro have faced each other in an express vote to see who would accompany him.

With his nerves on edge, Jorge Javier Vázquez announced who was the contestant who continued his adventure until the grand final with Torres. Marieta was the one expelled. Pedro García Aguado has passed and was already one step away from winning. The man from Madrid could not hold back the euphoria and screamed while he burst into tears.

Winner of ‘Survivors 2024’

The program has broadcast images of what the contest of the two finalists was like. They have both surpassed each other. Pedro in the mental aspect. “What I have worked on over the years in therapy has been very helpful to me,” he confessed. On the other hand, Torres has been the contestant in the history of the program who has won the most tests. “For me, the galas and the tests were the moments in which I could escape and enjoy the experience,” said the Catalan firefighter.

Finally, he has announced that the winner of ‘Survivors 2024’ and, therefore, winner of the 200,000 euro prize is Pedro García Aguado with a percentage of 54% of the votes.

Emotion has filled the set. Quickly the rest of the survivors who were awaiting the verdict jumped on the two. Some like Aurah or Marieta have hugged Pedro, while others like Gorka or Kiko have decided to lift Torres up. Both finalists merged into a hug.

Finally, upon receiving the check, Pedro García Aguado turned to the camera and angrily shouted: “Thank you Spain, with this money I am going to help a lot of people!” This is how one of the most controversial and successful editions of the Telecicno reality show has ended. However, on Thursday ‘Survivors’ returns, this time in its ‘All-Star’ format.

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