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True to his style, Furia left the Big Brother house with a defiant attitude

Furia, the most controversial participant in this edition of Big Brotherhad to leave the house after receiving more than 60% of the public votes. The most watched reality show in Argentina had a new elimination gala on Tuesday where two of its strongest players faced off to see who would leave the house: Juliana “Furia” Scaglione and Martín “El Chino” Ku.

The viewers finally decided that it was Rage who I have to leave the most famous house in Argentina, after 6 months inside it. Thus, true to her style, the stuntwoman abandoned her studies amid insults and threats: “I know I won this award, I know this house is mine“, he stated moments before leaving.

The elimination gala

During the elimination gala held on Tuesday, moments of tension were experienced in the Telefé studios. The thing is Fury and The Chinesetwo of the participants with the most public banking, faced each other in a plate for the history of reality.

At 10:30 p.m., Santiago del Moro, host of the program, began a new elimination gala. In total, until yesterday, there were 6 people left in the most famous house in Argentina: Martín “El Chino” Ku, Emmanuel Vich, Nicolás Grosman, Juliana “Furia” Scaglione, Bautista Mascia and Darío Martínez.

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The moment in which del Moro announced the defeat of Furia.


After talking with the participants and giving Dario a motorcycle, del Moro ended the viewers’ intrigue. Once past midnight, the driver showed that Rage was the one eliminated, after obtaining the 62.4% of the votes.

Immediately, the player he said goodbye to Emmanuel – his only ally – and, among insults and defiant attitudes, asked the rest of the participants not to sing to her or greet her. “I don’t want them to sing anything to me, this house is mine, don’t forget”, he shot as he walked through the garden hallway to go through the exit door of the house.

Once in the studio, Furia interacted with the audience and he hugged with del Moro. Afterwards, she also headed towards where they were. “The Furious” -that’s what she calls her fans-, who they hugged, they kissed her and encouraged after being left out of Big Brother.

Big Brother: how is the reality show continuing?

After the departure of the controversial participant, the program will continue its natural course over the next few weeks. According to its host, Santiago del Moro, this year’s edition is expected to end during the month of July.

There are 5 participants left in the Big Brother house: Martín “El Chino” Ku, Emmanuel Vich, Nicolás Grosman, Bautista Mascia and Darío Martínez. There are then two more elimination galas before the final phase arrives.

The grand final will take place on next July 7 and will feature 3 participants of the 5 that remain. Del Moro did not provide details of what the grand finale of the reality show would be like, although he did say: The grand final is still missing, no one has won anything yet. It will be a day of the final that the winner is chosen, and the next day a special program with a note, a review of the winner at home, it will be nice“.

This year, the prize for the winner will be 50 million pesos. In addition, the financial prize was entered into Mercado Pago fixed term, generating an interest that would also be won by whoever emerges victorious from the contest. Finally, the champion will make a prefabricated house from Roca Housingalthough this prize will also reach those participants who take second and third place.

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