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Mariana Levy’s children would be about to receive the inheritance that the actress left them after 19 years

It was in April 2005 when the actress died after suffering cardiac arrest, at the age of 39, when she realized that armed men were approaching her and her family on an avenue in Mexico City.

Since then, due to various circumstances, including that the beneficiaries were not of legal age, the assets that the artist left behind have not been able to be delivered.

In July of last year, José Emilio revealed to ‘Ventaneando’ that the trial in this regard was in the third stage, the adjudication, but that the distribution was still missing.

Mariana Levy’s children would receive their inheritance “soon”

Now, Carolina Capilla, who has been the executor of the late Mariana Levy’s estate during this time, revealed that María, Paula and José Emilio are getting closer to obtaining it.

“We are nowhere near, you will soon be able to receive your parts,” he indicated in statements taken up on June 19 by Hola!

The person who was a very close friend of the protagonist of ‘The Dreaming Pica’ expressed her happiness when she remembered that young people call her ‘aunt’.

“They are my children,” he stated without delving into the details of what date they will probably be given what belongs to them.

According to the media, the interpreter’s fortune included three properties, of which only one house would remain located in Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico).

For her part, before her death, Talina Fernández, Mariana’s mother, recognized the work that Capilla did as someone in charge of enforcing the star’s last will.

“He must be making ropes and machincuepas,” she proudly told ‘Ventaneando’ a year ago, in the month of May.

Mariana Levy’s children meet again

The three attended the funeral of their uncle ‘Pato’ Levy, who lost his life during the early hours of June 10 as a result of illnesses that afflicted him.

“Somehow always being with family is warming to the heart, but it is a very sad day,” Paula said in an interview with the media. “That’s going to be nice,” she added, referring to her meeting with her brothers.


A few days after the 14th anniversary of the tragic death of Mariana Levy, her daughter María, whom she had with the actor Ariel López Padilla, spoke about what she has learned in these years and the priceless treasures that her mother left her .

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy


“I have some diaries that he wrote for me when I was born and until he left, every month of my life. So: ‘today you learned to say mom’ and ‘today you ate a carrot Gerber and you didn’t like it and you spit it out. “That is the most precious thing I have,” the 22-year-old explained to the cameras of the ‘Hoy’ program.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy


The model also spoke about how she will honor her mother’s memory on her next death anniversary. The model assured that she is planning an exhibition with the photos she took during her trip through Asia and that a part of that exhibition will be dedicated to Mariana Levy.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy

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“I’m going to do a photo expo of this trip and I think that a small part is involved in celebrating my mother’s life, but I still don’t know what date I’m going to do it, because it’s getting closer, so I haven’t thought about anything.” in particular,” he added.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy


The granddaughter of the communicator Talina Fernández also spoke about whether she has ever felt that her mother has expressed herself to her in some way.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy


“There are things that make you feel beautiful… I don’t know, you were sad and suddenly a little butterfly passed by and it’s not like ‘oh it’s my mother’, but the simple fact that it makes me feel beautiful is already a gift,” he commented.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy

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María also spoke about the relationship she maintains with her famous grandmother and her father, from whom she had distanced herself a few years ago.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy users


“I am completely grateful for what she did for me and I understand her, I thank her and I honor her for having taken on a very complicated package and I love her with all my being. And although we have had our differences, what we have is love and as long as we have that nothing happens,” she said to the microphones of the program ‘De Primera Mano’ on March 7.

Credit: Mixheat users


And, in her words, María learned to value her family during the trip she made alone to Asia and from which she returned a few days ago, after eight weeks of travel.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy

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“(On the trip) I was so alone, it made me really appreciate that although I don’t have a perfectly functional family, I have a family that loves me, that loves me, that supports me. That it is there for me, that they made me grow, that they made me learn and that they made me the being that I am today,” she commented.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy users


María was asked about how she has coped with her mother’s death over the years and if her absence still hurts, a situation that she answered in a very punctual and mature way.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy users


“As a child it is very complicated, because you don’t understand it. In my case, it’s always easier to avoid it than to feel it, because it’s something so incomprehensible and so strong, and so painful… you get distracted by anything else,” he said.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy

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“I think the most important thing in this life is to feel, there are things that are out of our control, that hurt us and that we do not ask to live, but in the end it is part of life, life is a balance between holding something and letting it go.” go”, he concluded.

Credit: Instagram @marialevyy

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