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Pangal furious after “unfair” sanction to his team prior to the group competition – Publimetro Chile

A few days ago in “Win or serve“, Gonzalo Egas announced a sanction to “Sovereigns” after one of its members, Gala Caldirolabathed in the gentlemen’s area when she was working as a maid. They let him know that the consequence will be informed before the group competition and It will affect the entire green team.

Before arriving at the testing ground, the participants were speculating about what this sanction would be about. One of the theories was to be able to choose one of the members of “Soberanos” so that he would not participate in the test.and the main candidate for this was the captain, Pangal Andrade.

Finally, just before starting the team competition, Karla Constant informed the “Soberanos” team that Your punishment will consist of starting to compete 15 seconds later. The leader of the greens immediately expressed his anger.

“They are killing us, they kill us anyway, I find it super unfair. 15 seconds is too much, I believe you 5. For that reason it is better not to compete”Pangal complained. For his part, Botota mockingly thanked Gala for causing that punishment, and the Spaniard claimed that many had done the same on both teams.

The captain of the opposing team, Luis Mateucci pointed out that “there are rules and we must respect them. What is my fault? It’s okay because even then it wasn’t enough for them, and they continued passing. Now with this sanction they will not happen anymore.”

Tension before the competition

Before a new team competition, Karla Constant asked each participant which Servants they choose if they win. About, Daniela Colett stated that no one in the house has taken good care of her and that she has had to do things by herself. Then Pangal interrupted her saying that “you are hanging out with the captain a lot.”

Angry, Dani complained to him. “Can’t I say what I think? Or are you going to put the words in my mouth too? They talk so much and they all get involved, if you want to help me, tell me things to my face, like a man, not throwing things at me,” said the Brazilian. “They are the bad meetings,” Gala reflected. after the discussion.

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