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“I don’t even want to see you”: Cata Gorostidi pointed out against Furia

The departure of Juliana “Furia” Scaglione from the house of Big Brother (Telefe) generated a reunion with former participantsseveral of whom had friction with her during cohabitation.

After Wednesday’s broadcast – in which the young woman answered the panel’s questions at a special gala – several former colleagues gave their opinion on what happened. Among them, Catalina Gorostidi, who started out as his ally in the reality show, but ended up being one of his enemies. As she recently explained, that feud will continue.

In the program THE MCata assured that what was seen on Wednesday was a “tribute in life”Due to the lack of questioning attitudes of Fury. “I cried out of anger when I saw it,” she confessed.

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The former participant also criticized Eliana Guercio, who was excited and crying at the gala for having Furia close. Given this, Gorostidi expressed: “Unfortunate. That he returns to Europe because it is regrettable. It is disastrous. Sorry, I know he works with me. He also tweets ‘afterwards, don’t come and greet me when you go to the debates’. Who greets you and If we greet you it is out of politeness. Even if I can’t stand you, how can I not greet you?”

“I know that we are some pichis that we just went out“, he acknowledged, “but Eliana Guercio’s constant attack… the crying was from someone else’s shame.” However, he highlighted that Fury was the central character of this edition of Big Brother.

However, she expressed her doubts about her role: “That they put her as an analyst on Sunday… we were all Big Brotherbeyond the fact that some were plants, others were more, less, in terms of prominence, it seems to me that it doesn’t matter. We are all from Big Brother. It doesn’t give that double standard“.

Regarding what she saw on Wednesday, Cata was amazed by the retrospective of Furia’s passage through the house. “They didn’t even put a bad tape on it”, he pointed. Furthermore, she highlighted that “the only thing Furia talked about was me. She said ‘I don’t want to see Cata.’ I don’t want to see you either. I don’t even want to see you, Fury! “It seems disastrous to me, it seemed like an unnecessary tribute in life.”

Nonetheless, The crossing in the next galas will be inevitable. Thinking about what that meeting will be like, Cata stated: “I don’t say hello to anyone because I am an educated person, I am a person who studied, for all the stupid people who go around saying nonsense. It all seems very disastrous to me,” and finally clarify his position in that sense: “When I meet her, I will greet her cordially and that’s as far as our relationship will go.”

At first, both shared good times at home. About how things have changed, Cata explained: “I was Furious, I loved Juliana very much, but It is not the Juliana that I knew last, because there he already left for the pasture and then because of the things he said about not wanting to see me. And I don’t want to see her either, it’s not that I’m waiting for her outside. And apart from her, it says a lot about her that everyone, except two or three ghosts who were there, we all celebrated when he left“. (Teleshow)

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