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From Big Brother they revealed the true reason for Fury’s failure to attend The Night of the Exes

“What happens is that, As it is an atypical week, they have been long weeks, 15 days, and in addition, she immediately left the house with Santiago and the analysts, and obviously, after everything that has happened, there was no time for them to follow her interviewingargument Funes Ugarte in reference to the interviews with psychologists after his almost seven months of isolation during the reality competition.

The night of the exes without Fury – capture.jpg

It was there when he announced that “so, This Sunday and this Monday he will be with Santi and the boys, and then he will follow the route that all the participants doas is customary, they will go to all the other Telefe programs”.

Meanwhile, he slipped forcefully: “So, don’t speculate, don’t think badly, don’t invent things, that’s what happens. He had very little time when he left the house, he left the house immediately, he came here to the apartment, he spoke with Santi, he spoke with the boys, with his colleagues, with the other journalists, and then, well, the holiday came and so on. ”. “So, well, we couldn’t have her here, but they say that next Friday she will be with us. Ready! Finished the topic. A kiss to Fury. Thank you dear”he concluded.

Furia’s desperate request to his fans after leaving Big Brother: “The only thing that matters to me”

Juliana ‘Furia’ Scaglione was the last one eliminated from Big Brother (Telefe), and in a meeting with his fans at the door of the hotel, from which he escaped from the room in his pajamas where he is in isolation, he made an important request of them.

Without a doubt, the coach was one of the most important participants of the reality show and her departure caused a huge stir, in addition to complaints about the amount of money that her fans invested in the head-to-head match against Martin Ku.

Under this context, and aware of this information, upon knowing his followers Juliana He made an important request to them to apply from now on.

“To the angry fandom? Fuck whatever block you want, I love you”expressed firstly in reference to the following elimination where The Bros They will face each other to see who is next to leave the house.

Then the aforementioned request arrived and he assured: “Don’t spend any more money, old lady. Do you know what is the only thing that matters to me? The love they have for me, old woman. Thank you for loving me so much and supporting me. Thank you for loving me so much”.

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