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Arturo Longton reveals what he is currently working on

He exchico reality, Arturo Longton, has been appearing intermittently on Chilean television for more than 20 years, both in reality shows, game shows and also as a panelist in different spaces. She has become a recognized personality on the small screen, who has even been imitated by Stefan Kramer.

One of the recurring topics of the imitations he makes Kramer on Longton, It is about the reality boy’s work, which has never been well known to the public, since he has not clarified very well what he does to survive.

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Arthur Longton

What does Arturo Longton work on?

In a recent interview that Arturo gave to Pamela Díaz for her program, Sin Editar, Arturo was asked by the former model what he liked most about his job. To that, Longton replied that, “I like it because it’s not work in the end. It flows to me. “It’s like walking.”

But what is Arturo Longton currently working on? He explained that “I work on a betting site”, being an ambassador for one of the largest gambling houses in the world, being in charge of attracting more audiences to the website.


Arthur Longton

It should be noted that Arturo is no stranger to the world of betting. Thanks to the fact that in a 2016 program, in which he said that he was an expert in poker, the website for which he is today an ambassador contacted him and offered him a contract to become one of its faces for Chile.

Arthur Longton

This is how he told it in 2023, revealing what the conversation he had with the betting company was like. “They told me: ‘Hey Arturo, we found out that you play poker, would you like to do lives?’, I was like, how did you find out that I play poker? ‘We saw you at La Divina Comida,'” he said.

At that time, he assured that he is very well paid by the betting house. “These two years, at work, have been the best because I handle myself like a fish in water, I have to be me, they pay me for being me. My mission is to recruit players and have them enter with my code, when they enter with my code they have a prize,” he said.

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