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The incredible trip of Araceli González with her children Flor and Toto to Italy to fulfill a very desired dream

Araceli González’s trip to see the town where her great-grandmother lived

Araceli Gonzalez He is enjoying a great personal present: just turned 57, he celebrates his life traveling the world and accumulating tourist, historical and cultural experiences. It was through his Instagram stories where he has almost two million followers where he published photos and videos of This new adventure.

It is that in the last hours the actress with her children Toto Kirzner and Flor Torrente arrived in Italy to take a well-deserved rest and also for a family objective: to know Piedmont, the town where his ancestors lived and grew up, including his great-grandmother. Araceli captured thousands of photos and videos of every corner that caught her attention.

“They don’t know what this place is, a beauty”, The actress began by saying through her Instagram stories and in dialogue with her fans, sharing every detail of the itinerary since she was with a tourist group that guided her and explained what each place was. “I’m a little lost because of the five hour difference but this is a dream,” he added.

Flor Torrente, Toto Kirzner and Araceli González in Italy

“Now we are on the fishermen’s island, which is much smaller than the one we were on before, it has only 30 inhabitants, we are going to eat at a divine restaurant and then we will continue exploring,” said the actress in another of her videos, very happy about the trip she undertook with her children.

To be their first hours in Italy, Araceli, Toto and Flor have already visited several places in Piedmont, among them the Borromeo Palace with baroque architecture from the 17th century and located on Isola Bella, on Lake Maggiore, whose gardens extend to the end south of the islet. They also went to the San Vittore church on the fishermen’s island and stayed in a luxurious hotel with a swimming pool, gym and amenities that they decided to enjoy.

Araceli González in Italy (Instagram)

Days before embarking on this new adventure through Europe, Araceli celebrated his 57th birthday, that despite it being June 19, he celebrated it on the night of the 20th after the debut of the Argentine National Team in the Copa América. For the occasion, he left no detail left to chance.

My birthday is approaching and we start with all the changes. Here we go 57″, he expressed through his social networks by publishing a short video in a hair salon, accompanied by his personal stylist. The publication immediately generated a large number of positive comments from her followers, who highlighted her new hair color and praised her appearance.

Araceli González’s birthday

Some balloons with the number 57 decorated part of the room, while the cooks were preparing Italian delicacies for all palates and demands. Thus, for example, those who attended the party were able to enjoy even vegan and gluten free preparations, both sweet and savoryas detailed in some of the images he shared.

When the time of music arrived, the one who appeared on the scene was her husband, Facundo Mazzeiwho with a drink in hand did not stop dancing to Abba songs remixed by the DJ hired for the event, in a room that even had the necessary lights to make the evening a unique and unforgettable moment.

Music, drinks and dancing then led to the moment of the cake, impeccably lined in turquoise, it had a subtle but effective decoration, with two macarons, in addition to the candles with the numbers 5 and 7 and four sparklers, of which were also He busied himself with arresting his daughter, Flower one of the funniest at the event, and who did not hesitate to hug and accompany her mother every chance she could.

Happy and well-deserved birthday to me. With my loves. My desire is not desire. It’s a thank you to my life today. My choice today. My love today. Thank you, I am very lucky and I want to thank”, he detailed on his social networks when sharing the details of what he experienced. Given this, hundreds of friends and followers joined in the greetings on a new life anniversary, with expressions such as “who could be Araceli and look so beautiful at 57. Beautiful with a girl’s face”, as well as “Happy and blessed birthday Ara, age is nothing, it’s a number. Gives more knowledge and beautifies your spirit. You will never represent it, with your childish face”, in a publication that exceeded 22,000 likes and almost 1,000 comments on Instagram.

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