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“One shit… less” – Publimetro Chile

It is not known if they were serious or if it was part of a joke, the kind that true friends make. But Fabio Agostini and Austin Palao dived against Facundo González, the Argentine who a few days ago entered the reality show Win or Serve? (in televised time).

It was through an online broadcast that both former members of the Canal 13 confinement asked their followers not to ask them about the influencer, hurling insults against him.

“Facundo is no longer our friend. “Do not ask about Facundo, Facundo has already died,” they pointed out. Furthermore, they added that “he is no longer our friend, bye Facundo, one less shit; “It was a thorn in the side,” said the Spaniard.

After his defenses, he asked his colleague, the Peruvian influencer, to confirm his words, to which he said he ended up “very surprised” with González, whom he introduced as “his brother” the day he arrived at the mansion in Peru.

“The only thing I can say about it is that I was very surprised.…very surprised. I can’t say much, because it would be spoiling””, he noted subtly.

“Ah, well, there he is saying it too, but with other words”Fabio reacted, although with a hint of disappointment, since he expected more passionate statements from Austin.

Facundo González, Pamela Díaz

Why were they angry with Facundo González?

Among the theories that are speculated, the distancing would have occurred after Facundo González – who had a brief affair with Pamela Díaz, after being introduced by Fabio Cupido – began a relationship with Oriana Marzoli in Win or Serve?

This caused the annoyance, since Oriana is a close friend of Luis Mateucci, Fabio’s personal enemy. Furthermore, by becoming intimate with Oriana “with shouts”, he caused the annoyance of Pamela Díaz, who went to ask them to reduce the noise, which led to an intense discussion between La Fiera and the Spanish woman. In short, the Argentine moved to the rival side.

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