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Arturo left Big Brother with Chino but they are not together: “He is in good hands”

Martín Ku was the last one eliminated from the reality show by people’s decision and the house mascot came out with him. Although the animal was adopted by the former participant, they still do not live together.

El Chino with Arturo in Big Brother. Photo: video capture.

Martín Ku was the last one eliminated from Big Brother and with him Arturo left, the house pet. In that sense, the former participant told who the dog is with after having adopted.

“Arturo, right now, is with the vet from Big Brother. They have a lot of trust. It’s in good handsfor now,” Chino said in the program A la Barbarossa.

The animal crossed the door of the reality show and was immediately handed over to a professional, since Martín he had to isolate himself in a hotel for a few days, like all the former players did. “I have to be isolated for a psychological theme“, he said, explaining that until he returns to his normal life he cannot be with Arturo.

Arturo left the Big Brother house with Martín Ku. Video: Telefe.

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Big Brother: the red telephone defined the first nominee of the last plate

This Monday the emblematic sound red phone in the Big Brother house and whoever attended him was nominated for the next elimination gala.

After Martín’s departure last Sunday, Bautista, Nicolás, Dario and Emmanuel They were positioned as the last four players in the reality show. However, an unexpected turn changed things.

The red phone in Big Brother already left a nominee. Photo: Telefe capture.

Before the last leader test, which would define the first finalist, the red phone rang. Santiago del Moro, host of the program, announced that whoever answered the call would be automatically nominated, unless choose one of his companions to take his place on the plate.

Nervousness took over the participants, and finally it was Baptist who picked up the phone. After a few tense minutes, he made the brave decision to nominate yourself for the last Big Brother nominees plate.

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