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La Tora and Furia from Big Brother fought in a Telefe dressing room

Days after her elimination from the Big Brother house, Furia had her first face-to-face confrontation with a Telefe figure: Lucila “La Tora” Villar, host of the reality show’s streaming service, one of the former GH players who positioned herself best in the media and a woman of character.

The news of the fight between Furia and La Tora was given by Pepe Ochoa on LAM, with first-hand information from producers of the ball channel who witnessed what happened in makeup, when the shaved girl rebuked Lucila with insults and chest blows, just as She was seen inside the house with most of the players.

“They say that Furia entered and crossed paths with La Tora, accusing her of criticizing and envying her”the LAM producer introduced, cell phone in hand, when reviewing this violent end to the day for Villar, who had just spent a tense moment on air with his ex, Nacho Castañares, on the Fuera de joda stream.

“Furia enters makeup, goes up in smoke to the Torah and tells him ‘you who speak badly of me, you envy me, you want to hang yourself on my fame’!’”Pepe began, and added: “He got close to him, the Torah did not shrink, he faced him and pine cones almost flew.”

La Tora recommended Furia continue with her psychological treatment after leaving the GH house. Instagram The Torah.

“The makeup artists tried to separate them, but they couldn’t. The production companies had to come in and, when they did, Furia shouted at him: ‘I’m not going to go to any of your shows and let the croto know. (Diego) Poggi, I’m not going to give fame, especially not to Georgina Barbarossa’”complete.

According to witnesses, the former GH 2022 player did not confront Juliana, but instead recommended that she, as she does with all participants who come out of confinement, not stop psychological treatment. “All the guys who go out say that she was a great support when they go out, but in this case, Furia took it badly”commented Pepe Ochoa, and noted: “Be careful, Tora did not confront her, a lady.”

Furia rebuked La Tora in Telefe makeup. Capture TV.

Ángel de Brito added his point of view about Furia, after seeing her in the couch chat with Vero Lozano: “I saw her and, beyond the fact that she is self-centered and narcissistic, she was totally different from what she was at home, something else. It is obvious that they must have spoken to her and lowered her a little. They must have told her to show herself in such a way, she always emphasizes that. She is violent and aggressive.”

Furia left the GH house and continues to be involved in scandals.

And the LAM host added what usually happens with people who suddenly gain fame when they leave a reality show: “They believe it and the fame passes so quickly. They have a temporary fame, almost no one lasts, not even the winners. Afterwards, you have to have training, respect, be a good teammate, have something to last over time.”

“For me (Rage) “She is a girl who is not well.”noted Nazarena Vélez, and Ángel closed, forcefully: ““A rude person who says that about Georgina has no chance of being in this environment.”

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