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You won’t be able to help but laugh at Eduardo Fuentes’ “great moment”

The driver of Hello, everyone, Eduardo FuentesHE Laughed out loud in the morning Hello, everyone (TVN) after being surprised with “archive” images of him.

If something has characterized the morning broadcast of the public station since Eduardo Fuentes arrived at the helm, it has been the laughter. It is that the journalist usually make jokes on airmaking his coworker laugh especially, María Luisa Godoy.

Although the entertainer is not present in the space because she is on vacation, Today the face of TVN starred in a hilarious moment when he spoke with Simón Oliveroswho this morning toured La Vega Central, tasting preparations from different places.

“After trying this I’m going to feel like ‘Dorothy’ in The Wizard of Oza true wonder”, The panelist launched Hello, everyone before the screen showed a video of Eduardo Fuentes “characterized” as the protagonist of the classic film thanks to the use of artificial intelligence.

“Oh, how good! Because I had that file, I loved it”said the driver laughing, who even tried to sing the central theme of The Wizard of Oz. “How remarkable the monkey, I got stuck,” she said.

It should be noted that in an interview Eduardo Fuentes spoke about the chemistry he has with María Luisa Godoywho are seen “fluffing” in videos shared on social networks. In this regard, the journalist highlighted that his co-worker “He has humor, and for me, life without humor is not worth living.”.

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