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Arturo Longton embarks on a new adventure in Brazil: “I have no way back”

Arturo Longton surprised his followers with an unexpected announcement on Instagram. The reality star decided to leave his life in Chile behind to embark on an exciting adventure in Brazil.

In a series of stories shared on his official profile, Longton revealed the details of his bold move. “Day one in Brazil. I will tell you how this journey, this adventure, goes, because I have no way back,” expressed enthusiastically the brother of the deputy Andrés Longton.

The former reality show contestant doesn’t have a fixed plan, in his own words: “From Sao Paulo I’m going to Rio de Janeiro alone and I don’t know what’s going to happen there. “I go day by day”This spontaneous attitude has generated great expectations among her fans, who are eager to follow in her footsteps on Brazilian soil.

Longton also shared his long-term aspirations, mentioning his desire to find a place to settle down in the near future. Although he does not yet have a specific location in mind, he suggested that it could be “a nearby town here”ruling out Rio de Janeiro as his final destination.

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