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Kaley Cuoco starred in “the darkest moment” in the history of The Big Bang Theory

The rules that were broken in The Big Bang Theory and that could have even caused the series to be cancelled early.

Throughout the 12 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, a multitude of things happened around all the actors and actresses, some so serious that they even came very close to causing the series to be canceled prematurely.

And after a particular accident involving one of the most important actresses of The Big Bang Theory, Chuck Lorre had to change a rule after this event that would mark the future of the program.

In the book The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive, Inside Story of the Epic Hit SeriesChuck Lorre admitted that he was under a lot of pressure when Kaley Cuoco He had a horse accident and broke his leg, forcing them to establish new rules for actors and actresses.

“That was the darkest, scariest time of the past 12 years. Kaley could have lost her leg. It was a series of miracles that allowed us to get through that and for her to come out on the other side of that stage safely,” Lorre said.

“Following Kaley Cuoco’s injury while horseback riding, I instituted new rules governing acceptable leisure activities for the cast of The Big Bang Theory. 1. No damn horses allowed. This includes those on merry-go-rounds and in front to supermarkets.

Another rule that the cast of The Big Bang Theory broke was that male characters couldn’t grow beards and actresses couldn’t cut their hair.

Once again Kaley Cuoco starred in controversy, appearing with short hair after participating in an independent film.

As soon as Chuck Lorre realized the situation, he was afraid that the character would lose popularity among viewers due to the change of image.

In the end, it wasn’t quite like that, and despite the haircut, Kaley Cuoco ended up being one of the most beloved characters in the entire series.

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