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Romina Uhrig’s revelations: the joy of her theatre debut, her worst day on Bailando and the best on Gran Hermano

1. They named you Romina Maricel because…

My mother liked Romina. She wanted to name me Marisela, who was a singer, but at that time they didn’t allow names of famous people, so she named me Maricel.

2. An unforgettable moment from your childhood…

I don’t have that unforgettable moment from my childhood, that moment that says fan.

3. As a teenager you were…

Super calm, calmer than now, with very few friends. Today I have more friends I think, before I was more closed, now and as time goes by I started to open up a little more.

It will be available to see from July 8 at the Astral Theater.

4. You decided to study Physical Education because…

I love it. I loved it even when I was little. I was very good at sports, I was the best athlete at school and I was the first to arrive at class. I love it, I love it, I love it.

5. Your first kiss…

It was where my cousin Yoli lived, next to the house, with her neighbor, Mauricio. I was about 7 years old, I was very little, and I remember that she gave me a peck. There was a wall, we got up there, he on one side and me on the other, and he gave me a kiss…

6. You met your dad…

Yes, I met my dad when I grew up, I was about 25 years old or so. I met him in a hospital, he was hospitalized with cancer.

7. The best and worst thing that happened to you on Big Brother…

I didn’t have many bad moments at the House. Maybe one that I remember is the day my nephew came in. It wasn’t because he came in, but because we were waiting for it so much that day, it had been so many months that I said, “Well, my daughters are coming in.” I remember that they didn’t come in and I felt very bad that day for not seeing them. And one of the best moments I can say was the day I saw them. On Christmas Day they showed their video and I saw them, even though I felt bad, but that day was beautiful.

8. The best and the worst that happened to you on Dancing…

The best was the day I went out to dance a chacarera and I came out feeling kind of happy and they gave me a really good grade. I remember that day was great because I thought I was going to make a mistake and instead it was good, I was surprised. And there was no worse day. Maybe the day I met Yanina Latorre. We were going to dance salsa together but she left and we had to find a dancer. It was one of the worst days.

9. A skill that few know about you…

I have a very great skill when it comes to cooking. I love it, I love it a lot, but everyone knows it, then I think not, I have no other ability.

10. What makes you fall in love with a man the most…

It’s the personality. A man can be very cute, he can show the photo of him and break into 20,000 pieces, but I focus a lot on personality. I like that he is attentive, gentleman and low profile. I focus a lot on personality, not physicality.

11. You would like to change yourself…

Don’t be so insecure. I am recontra-insecure. Before it was worse, today I changed a lot. I would also like to not be so sentimental today. It’s tremendous.

12. A guilty pleasure…

When I eat everything I don’t have to eat. I train during the week and for many years I have taken care of myself when it comes to food. I eat very healthy, both myself and my girls, and when I neglect myself I feel guilty.

13. The word or phrase you use most frequently…

You would have to say it, no, no, I don’t know about that.

14. Did you meet Cristina Fernández de Kirchner….

I met her when I was working as a waitress at an event.

15. Last time you apologized…

I don’t remember anything intense but I do remember some simpler ones. One sometimes does stupid, small things, nothing serious and you can say ‘hey, sorry, I was wrong about this’ but nothing serious

16. Between spending a year traveling from Moreno to Once in Sarmiento or on a cruise with an ex-partner, you choose…

No, I prefer to travel to Once, to Moreno, to go to Mar del Plata by bus but never return to an ex.

17. If one of your daughters is undecided between being a politician or participating in Big Brother, you advise her…

I will always advise them to choose what makes them happy. I may have my experience, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the same as theirs. I will always support them in what makes them happy. Obviously, as a mother, you will try to give them good advice and share your experience, but maybe for her it will be a different experience. So, I think that what makes her happy will make me happy.

18. You said “Everything in life was very difficult for me and I wasn’t going to throw in the towel,” justify your answer.

In life it cost me a lot, everything, from a very young age. So when many said, Why doesn’t he leave the house? Why doesn’t he leave if he is crying for his daughters or lives like that with a dirty face? and the truth is that I am used to crying. I think I spent three quarters of my life crying and I know how much it costs and I also know that everything I have is because she cost me a lot and I worked at a very young age. So sometimes throwing in the towel is the easiest thing, right? and not follow it, not row it. I always showed and I want to show my daughters that even though it costs, you never have to throw in the towel, you have to move forward, fulfill your dream or whatever, but never give up. Even if it costs, like it cost me. You have to continue, you have to fight it, dry your tears and continue.

Romina signs her contract for her theatrical debut

19. A good reason to watch “Toy without money” is…

A good reason to see “Toy Sin Plat” is like this, if you want to laugh, you want to have a good time, enjoy with your friends, with your family, as a couple, with whoever you want, you have to go see it. You are going to spend a divine night, you are going to have a lot of fun, we are going to make you smile a lot. The work is headed by two greats of Argentine theater such as Nito Artaza and Miguel Ángel Cherutti. There will be other figures such as Adriana Brodsky, Tamara Bella, Belén di Giorgio and the folkloric group Pampa Brava. You can see us starting July 8 at the Teatro Astral.

20. To those who maintain that all politicians are corrupt, you answer…

I was one of those who thought and said the phrase that “politicians are all crooks.” Until I had to be on that side and work. I was in the social sector, I never liked political wheeling and dealing and there I learned not to judge all people. But all people, not just politicians, but anyone, like a doctor who has committed malpractice or all police officers. Sometimes things have to happen to change your mind. We can say that some do not fulfill what is expected of them but not that all do not do so. It is like that, but in all areas, I say it, in general and not only in politicians.

21. Of all the things that were invented about you, the one that bothered you the most was…

One thing that bothered me a lot is when, because I had been in politics, they judged me without thinking and condemned me with “they’re all idiots.” I come from a very humble family, my mother always had a hard time supporting five of us, she raised us alone. I know what it is to have and not to have. And I think that for me was also one of the things why when I met Walter I decided to get into politics but in the social part. I wasn’t interested in the other things, but I was interested in working precisely with people, in picnic areas, soup kitchens, and retirement centers. So going out and being treated like a ‘shit’ affected me a lot. That they want to dirty you by calling you stupid, a thief, when I know what it is and I know why I got into exactly that part. That’s why I was always very calm, but it is ugly to be treated with something that you are against. I will never say the things that I did. I keep that deep inside, and since I believe a lot in God, I know that He knows everything I did and the person I am.

Romina will star in the show alongside other figures such as Adriana Brodsky, Tamara Bella and Belén di Giorgio,

22. Your current mood…

It changes, I jump from state to state. Now I am very stressed. I have problems with my voice and I thought I was getting sick but I am just stressed. However, I am happy and grateful to God and to life for having healthy daughters, for having a job, for doing what I like and for starting something in my life that I dreamed of so much. Starting with something that I loved and that I love, which is acting. I am very happy, grateful to life and to God for this opportunity.

23. The most useless thing you bought or were given…

I do not remember. I think everything was useful.

24. That girl who was born in San Martín would tell this woman today…

To that little girl who was born in the Castex de San Martín hospital, there is always one thing I tell her: believe that she can do it, believe in herself and trust, don’t be so insecure, believe.

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