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Controversy after Laura Ubfal gave the names of the participants who will accompany the finalists of Big Brother

Written in TELEVISION he 6/27/2024 · 5:38 PM

Big Brother is in the final stretch, in the hours of decisions. Without going any further, it is already known who has already secured a place in the final of the reality show. This person will be joined by two more who will be chosen from those who are saved in the elimination gala this Sunday 30th.

Santiago del Moro said that, as happened in the previous edition, former participants will be joining to support the three finalists. He did not give their names, but now they were revealed by the panelist of the program, Laura Ubfal. It was during a talk at Se picó.

“On Monday there will be three players left. To those three players…look at each other, there are activities, but three exes enter like last year, each one with a t-shirt. What is not known is if they will stay the whole week, or if they will change”he began by explaining.

It is clear that, beyond the support, with so few people in such a large space, they are going to get bored, and the same could happen with the public, hence the need for more people to get things moving.

Then he gave the names: “For now, those who are coming in are: Isabel to support Darío; Chula to support Emma; and Licha to support the Bros.”

Ufbal’s information quickly generated suspicions, because she assumes that one of the Bros is staying. It is worth remembering that the nominees are: Darío, Emmanuel and Bautista. Darío or Emma could leave, but she assures that Bauti will leave, since Nico was saved.

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