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Paula’s ultimatum to Nicolás in Like Life Itself

Paula tomó una clara decisión en Como la vida misma, y le dio un ultimátum a Nicolás tras la pérdida de su embarazo.

Recordemos que el personaje de Elisa Zulueta sufrió un doloroso momento, luego de que se enterara de que estaba en la dulce espera de un bebé con el publicista.

Sin embargo, solo días después tuvo un problema que la llevó a sufrir la pérdida, la cual la destrozó pese a que no quería ser madre desde un comienzo.

Lo anterior, ocurrió luego de que Paula escuchara una conversación de Nicolás y un colega en Como la vida misma, donde este le aseguraba que era un cacho convertirse en padre.

La decisión de Paula en Como la vida misma

In that context, after Soledad’s friend informed Nicolás of her loss, He went to his department to apologize for what he heard in his office.

However, Paula put a cold shoulder to the situation in Like life itselfand assured him that she understands that he does not project himself with her.

“We are a couple that lives in the momentnot even thinking about having a family, having children, that would be being a pain, that was the word you used,” said the character from the Mega soap opera.

He then commented that after his loss his life changed, but that he did not want him to be part of it.

“Te fui a ver a la oficina y te escucho en esa oficina con ese tipo, y me doy cuenta de que no existe esa posibilidad, porque para ti todo lo que pase conmigo e implique un compromiso no puede ser, porque tú no quieres o no puedes, qué sé yo”.

And he concluded: “I have been immensely happy with you, I had a good time, you have made me believe a lot of things that I had forgotten, but we have an image of the couple that is different and I really think that the best thing we can do is leave this here.”

With this, a new break occurs in Like life itselfwhile the story shows that Paula could have something with Caco again.

Check out the scene below:

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