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Laura Ubfal made a comment about Uruguay in the Big Brother debate and generated an international controversy

The panelist received criticism on social media from those who follow the reality show in the neighboring country.

June 27, 2024, 10:48 a.m.

On social media, the journalist’s comments were not taken in the best way. (Photo: screenshot from Telefe)

This Sunday it is decided who will leave the house Big Brother 2023 (Telefe) before the grand finale of the reality show that It will be played next weekend and tempers are running high among the panelists.

The discussions had to do with analyzing which side the public will be close to between the three players who they were left for two places in the last week of the reality show, since Nico Grosman He already took the leadership and the remaining quota.

Read also: The decision taken by the production of Big Brother with Fury due to the complaint of the former players

Between Emma Vich, Dario Martinez Corti and Bautista Mascia One will be eliminated and many of the panelists believe that Uruguayans will vote en masse for the singer to continue in the game.

In that context, Laura Ubfal He made a comment about this circumstance that did not go down so well on social networks. After Sol Perez ensured that we should not forget that “The people of Uruguay also vote”the journalist was blunt. “If that is why, There are more people in Córdoba than in Uruguay”he said, referring to Emma, ​​who is from that province.

Ceferino Reato and Laura Ubfal always tend to talk to each other in the Big Brother debate. (Photo: Telefe capture)

The video with the definition of the panelist who most defended the game of Rage In the current edition it went viral and the comments were not all good about it.“She is an ordinary one”; “Laura is so unbearable”; “Unbearable”; and “Terrible” were some of the tweets that followed her comment.

The information that Ubfal had said on air is accurate. The province of Cordova has more people than Uruguayaccording to the data available. According to the 2023 Census that was carried out in the neighboring country, the population of Uruguay is 3,444,263 inhabitantswhile in the Argentine district there are 3,978,984 inhabitantsas indicated by the 2022 Census.

How “Big Brother 2023” will be defined

This Wednesday, also, the last list of nominees was defined. After the leadership test, Nicolás Grosman won and obtained a direct pass to the final of the program.

The host gave more details about the awards ceremony on his Instagram account. (Video: Telefe. Photos: Capture Telefe – Instagram/@furiascaglione)

So, Whoever leaves this Sunday will be defined between Bautista Mascia (who was already on the plate for answering the red phone), Darío Martínez Corti and Emma Vich.

Read also: Big Brother: the important announcement involving three former contestants before the final

Besides, Santiago del Moro announced that there will be several prizes for former participants of this edition. The driver announced that the Monday, July 8thone day after knowing the winner, The public will choose the “best player” of the reality show.

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