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“There is a dissatisfaction with the way conflicts are being shown to protect some,” they say in a panel on Win or Serve? Glamorama

Author: Fran Varela / June 27, 2024

“There is another great fight between Camila Recabarren and Botota, which is the strongest, and which was never shown,” they commented in Zona de Estrellas on Win or Serve? and the alleged editing of conflicts between the participants. This, after Pamela Díaz warned the Channel 13 production to show the complete discussion that she had with Oriana Marzoli within the reality show:

Hugo Valencia: “I understand that among some former participants of the reality show, there is a kind of disagreement with the way in which some conflicts are being shown, or indeed some that have not been shown, to protect some people who would be the favorites of the production”

Pablo Candia: “It happened with the fight between Fabio and Mateucci”

Valencia: “One of them would be Luis Mateucci, who according to Fabio himself, claimed that he did not show up when he would have grabbed him by the arm and would have intended to go and hit him with a punch. And that it would have been Raimundo who stopped Luis”

Velasco: “The same thing happened to Pamela with Junior and the pineapple issue. “They didn’t want to show the entire fight, because it left Junior looking very bad.”

Valencia: “There is another conflict that occurred between Faloon and Oriana, where apparently Oriana would have asked for control, because what we did see was Oriana crying and lamenting for having lost control and having returned to being the Oriana of ten years ago .

“And we never saw that. “We did see a Faloon who everyone was comforting and she was very upset and very nervous, because apparently Oriana had brought out some pretty strong things on her.”

Velasco: “You realize that, because they start having an argument in one place in the room and suddenly they appear in a totally different place. Then one says ‘here is an edited section and the fight was not shown in its entirety’”

Valencia: “Claudio Valdivia in an interview, already outside of the reality show, revealed that there is another big fight between Camila Recabarren and Botota, which is the strongest one he has seen, and which was never shown”

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