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‘Brothers’ actress is absent from the Turkish Antena 3 series

He is fulfilling his two years of broadcast in Spainspecifically on Antena 3, on Monday and Tuesday nights, and every day it surprises us with new and unexpected situations and also with comings and goings of the characters, which will continue like this until the end of this year or so, when the end of its fourth and final season is scheduled. But until then, we will still see many surprises in the Turkish series. ‘Siblings’, like the one that is about to hit our screens, with the disappearance of one of its most relevant characters at this time.

Is about Elifthe young woman who landed in the story at the end of season three to end up discovering that her biological mother and that of Berk It is the same, they also have the same father – an ex-convict who will cause them no small number of problems – and they are also twin brothers. The girl, played by the actress Dilara Sumbul has filled the episodes with joy and laughter, with his rough but very funny personality, and is currently in a relationship with Oğulcan (Cihan Simsek), the brother of Aybike (Melis Minkari) and cousin of Omer (Yigit Koçak).

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A health problem

Well then, Elif is going to leave us for a few chapters. But it is not a cause for concern, like the one we will live with Sengul (Fadik Atasoy)who is leaving for good. In Elif’s case, it was a health problem that forced her to be absent for some episodes. According to information from the Turkish journalist Birsen AltuntasDilara felt ill and had severe abdominal pain and had to be rushed to the hospital. There, doctors detected a ovarian cyst that it had burst and he had to undergo surgery.

After a few days of rest, which were prescribed by the doctors, the actress returned to work on the set of ‘Siblings’. So, finally everything was a scare. We will have to wait to see if Dilara Sümbül He is one of the lucky performers who lasts until the end of the series, of which there is little left, or his character disappears as will happen with other well-loved ones.

Vilma Degorgue is an experienced journalist, with 30 years of professional experience. Among other things, she specializes in television content, mainly fiction and, more specifically, Turkish and Latin American series. Since 2000, she has been interviewing Mexican, Colombian, Argentinian, Chilean actors and actresses, etc., and until 2020 she was traveling to various countries in Latin America and the United States (Miami, Venezuela, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru) to to cover recordings of series/soap operas that were later broadcast in Spain, and to interview the actors who were part of them.

Since Turkish soap operas burst onto the scene, he has specialised in these products, interviewing the actors who work in them and keeping up to date with any new developments regarding the fictions and actors from that country.

Born in Barcelona, ​​she graduated in Journalism in 1993 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​taking two Erasmus courses, one in France (Grenoble) and the other in Great Britain (Cardiff). She began her career in her hometown, working at Europa Press Catalunya, but a year later she moved to Madrid, and since 1995 she has worked in the capital of Spain. She has worked in agencies (Europa Press, Euroimagen), television (Antena3, Telecinco, RTVE and Telemadrid), magazines (Teleindiscreta, Telenovela, collaborations in Lecturas and Semana) and has been coordinator of the Consumer Portal of the Community of Madrid. These years of experience, and thanks to the three languages ​​she speaks (French, English and German, in addition to her native Catalan), have allowed her to travel around the world to interview figures in public life and carry out reports, almost all of them related to the artistic and social world.

Since 2000, she has been associated with, among other companies, the magazine Telenovela (which is now part of Diez Minutos) and, since her time at the Consumer Portal of the Community of Madrid (2006-2016), she has specialized in digital press and information, thanks to courses and experience in websites and information portals on the Internet. In recent years, she has created two digital newspapers, and, which she owns and manages together with other collaborators.

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