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Alejo explodes when women point out his mistakes in the White Box: these are his words

Luisa tells Alejo that his overconfidence played a trick on him in the White Box: “You’ve reached a point where you two are so good, that They go out on the track and end up doing minimal things that cost us the tests.“.

Given this, The paisa responds by emphasizing the mistakes of his companionsbut Gaspar tries to explain to him that he must learn to receive criticism and not get carried away by his emotions.
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Regretful for his betrayal? Alejo reveals which former participants should continue in competition

Andrea Serna talks to the participants of the 20 Years Challenge and first asks Kevyn what he would have done differently in the Captains Challenge, since now he knows his teammates better. He responds that he would not have followed his heart and would have been more strategic: “I like how Alejo and Yoifer compete.”

The reality show host then asks Alejo: “For you, of the Omegas who have already left, which one should have gone far and, due to competition, did not make it?” and he is emphatic in saying that Anamar and Renzo because “life played a trick on them.”

Alejo reveals what he thinks about reaching the Fusion with Kratos and Renzo, who would he exchange them for?

Luisa and Alejo talk about what could happen after the upcoming Captains’ Challenge and they imagine that the young man wins the test and has the opportunity to assemble his team as he pleases. He says that he would prefer to stay with Santi and not with Kratos, since his partner has not demonstrated his strengths in any box.
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Regarding Renzo, he assures that he “it is very enlarged” and that aspect could harm the team. The conversation does not end here, since Alejo tells ‘The Queen’ that the first woman he would choose would be her. What about Gaspar?

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