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how much votes cost and how much each second of advertising is worth

There is talk of Furia and El Chino, there is talk of who the finalists will be (For now only Nicholas, consecrated this Wednesday), of the order of the podium, of the awards, of the future of those who leave the house looking (almost all) for a place in the media. Yes ok It does not have the rating of old seasons -because traditional television is not what it used to be-, Big Brother It is the most viewed of 2024. It has no competition. But, beyond the figures on the daily payroll, There are other numbers that support the phenomenon: those of the business.

And, given the genesis of the Dutch format – created in 1999 and released in Argentina in 2001 -, Money plays as important a role as the participants.. Fundamentally, because, put directly, The money invested in votes is what determines who leaves or stays in the house. Or who wins.

That’s why, Being the best player (as in this edition it could be Furia, due to his strategy and his great ability to generate content) does not guarantee a championship: the nominees board is put together by the colleagues, but The one who decides is the public who votes for four days. And every vote is an investment.

Below We will see the ways, the options and the costs. And that is a fundamental leg of the game, not only for its impact on the definition, but for the economic income that is distributed between the company that carries out the vote (Telinfor) -supervised by notaries-, the telephone companies through which the text message with the chosen name is sent, Telefe and Kuarzothe reality show’s producer.

Yes ok the vote is around 30 pesos (we will detail the different options later) and in these times that would not be an onerous figure (although every peso is important), it must be taken into account that Each week of these almost seven months of the program, millions of votes were receivedThe record was set on Tuesday, June 18, with the head-to-head between Furia and El Chino (she was eliminated that night, he was eliminated the following Sunday), when 10 million were accumulated of votes.

The Bautista, Darío and Emmanuel plaque, which will be decided on Sunday. The conditions of the vote are listed there.

Voting in modern times

Since he was born, This format has a key economic leg in this dynamic. Only that before there was no such thing as the modality of QR codenor was there so much organized fan activity on the networks: what’s more, The fandoms (the different groups that players may have) have their own accounts in which they sometimes make their CBU known.. And, this season, several groups They created “unifications” to organize the collection of money and not divide votes.

There is a whole logistics of fans behind each plate: Once the is enabled “such as 9009”those who support one or the other They direct their votes to their favorite player if the vote is positive or to the rival of their favorite player (who usually campaigns from within) if the vote is the one next Sunday between Emmanuel, Bautista and Darío. What will each fandom do? Furia, from outside, already asked at this Wednesday’s gala “Furious, Bautista on 9009”, since she wants Emma and Darío to be finalists. But each player has his campaign manager (almost always a family member) who suggests where to direct the vote.

Clearly There is some commitment and emotional manifestation in each vote, but there is also a relentless business. Business that also grows with “haters”, which are those who are against a certain player. It would be something like ‘I invest my money to see you lose’.

And with 29 participants (20 who entered on December 11, two the next day, two as replacements and five new ones) and several mass plaques the snare clink rang almost without pauseIt is the longest Argentine season in 23 years.

But The hook for people to vote is the possibility of a prize: once the program has finished there will be A draw will be held among all those who participated and the winner will win 5 million pesos..

Advertising in all its forms

If we had to look for a geometric shape to define the format as a television product, we could talk about a triangle, formed by the game (participants, production, conduction), by the votes and the advertising.

Beyond that the prime time (the time slot that goes from 8 p.m. to midnight) is the space most sought after by brands, Not all channels or programs have the same rate: the most expensive, by far, is Big Brother (at 10:30 p.m., on Telefe), except for some matches.

Has a single session, approximately between 11:46 p.m. and late in the morning of the following daywhich usually lasts between 15 and 18 minutes. During that time, every second costs (figure checked as of Thursday, June 27) 6,725,000 pesos. And, as if to have an idea, A short notice would last about 20 seconds.. There are also those that last close to a minute.

But at this point it must be clarified that the figure of The rate is gross and then there are options to re-quote each campaign according to the rotation, the permanence, the package that can integrate that notice with others from the same agency.

Two asterisks in the margin for the special rates these days: the match that Telefe televised this Tuesday between the Argentine and Chilean national teams had a gross rate of 11 million pesos per second (it was not broadcast that day) G.H.). AND Around the world in the Cupa product created to accompany the Copa América on the channel, manages a rate similar to that of G.H.. Football is a draw, but it belongs to the category of events, not of continuous programming.

The 0 km test that Zoe won had several sponsors in the foreground.

With which It is not possible to specify how much exact money enters each night, but the number does serve to measure the phenomenon.. As if to compare with other programs, the current advertising rate marks 5,075,000 for Perfect Escape (with Iván de Pineda, also on Telefe), 4,700,000 for The 8 Steps (The thirteen), 490,000 for LAM (America) and, on weekends, the numbers change. Mirtha’s night (El Trece), for example, quotes its second batch in 1,700,000 pesos.

These rates apply to commercial batches. Different numbers are used for the PNTnon-traditional advertising, which is done during the program, with “the sale” in charge of driving or speaking. In G.H.the voices for those ads are that of Santiago del Moro and of Claudia Fasolo.

And this season of GH this populated with advertisers who sponsor the Friday party, the evening activities or the challenges. Every so often the house is taken over by posters and advertising signs everywhere. And Even the car from which the eliminated participant gets out shows the mark of the company that transports them.

Billing has been a fundamental piece of television since it has existed (it is about to turn 73 years old in Argentina), but In some programs it has a leading role on all fronts.

Mercado Libre was already an advertiser last season. This year it is more involved in the game.

All about voting: costs and options

Voting, in this case, is not enclosing the wish in an envelope and putting it in a ballot box, but The scrutiny is supervised as if very serious things were at stake.. In fact, the seriousness is more in the investment of money than in the act of choosing A or B, and the letters could go on because sometimes the plates are multitudinous and that tends to increase the coffers.

Let’s go with a kind of manual on how to vote, taking into account that the nominees board is enabled on Wednesdaysonce the house has chosen internally. Anyway, Thursday is the day when the weekly leader has the chance to promote one partner and demote another. With which, The votes given to the one who went down are no longer validand the new one has one less day of exposure on the plate.

  • Via SMS: it sends GH at 9009 and once the automatic response arrives, the name of the chosen participant is entered. It has a variable cost between 10 and 50 pesos according to the different telephone companies.
  • Entering the page An options window opens for each nominee: SMS Vote, Vote Market Payment and Turbo Vote. The Mercado Pago allows you to issue 20 votes in a row, at a cost of 600 pesos (at a rate of 30 pesos each). And the Turbo Vote enables a package of 40 votes for a thousand pesos (25 pesos each).
  • Your one Scan the QR codethe image redirects the voter to the page with the options.

As of this Wednesday, there are three candidates on the plate: Bautista, Emmanuel and Darius. The vote, for the last time, will be negative. The last week of play will begin on Monday, because The reality show is defined on Sunday, July 7 and the vote will be positive. How positive will it surely be for the universe? Big brother this season.

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