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Nicolás’ confession after his marriage to Flor that could change his future after leaving Big Brother: “Today”

During last night, Big Brother was completely filled with love when the weddings of the participants were experienced. After having his own with Flower, Nicholas made a strong confession that could completely change your future in couple after leaving the reality.

Along with his playmates already some former participants who entered especially, the couple who formed during their stay in the most famous house in the world was able seal your love during an exciting gala night in which they were seen very in love after several comings and goings.

What Nicolás said about his future with Flor that excited Big Brother

After the event that left everyone Big Brother melted with love, Nicholas He went to the men’s room next to Baptist and began to reflect on what they had experienced. Immediately, Grosman could not contain his happiness and made a strong confession.

Today I was able to experience a little of what it can feel like at a wedding.guy get married seriously. What an exciting experience “dumb, for God’s sake,” revealed the first, and so far, only finalist of the reality. This opened the possibility of specifying and seal your love with Flor when you leave the house.

The reaction of the networks to the strong confession of Nicolás after marrying Flor in Big Brother

As for the moment in which Nicholas made the strong confession that could change his future with Flowerfans of Big Brother filled social media with comments of all kinds. Some not only mentioned Grosman but they aimed at Baptist and his bad face after having a tough fight with Denisse:

Nicolás’ confession after his marriage to Flor that could change his future after leaving Big Brother: “Today”

  • Nicholas wants that the 10 days pass to get married seriously with Flower
  • Bauti doesn’t give much attention to Nico
  • Bauti is super sad
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