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It was revealed which figure would have left an event to avoid crossing paths with Furia

Since he left the house Big Brother (Telefe, at 10:30 p.m.), Juliana Scaglione, popularly known as Rage, became the figure of the moment. And during these hours a controversy emerged that involves Wanda Nara.

The former reality show participant has as much fame outside as inside the most famous house. And, despite the criticism and questions that she received from her as a result of her attitudes and screams and that she was called “violent”, the truth is that she has a successful present.

Furia not only received support from fans, she was also called by brands and invited to a variety of events. One of them was the Rodas circus, which always has famous godmothers and godfathers.

The truth is that the stuntwoman agreed to participate in the presentation of the show. But, apparently, Wanda was also summoned.

According to reports at this time, Mauro Icardi’s wife would have left the event due to Furia’s presence, so as not to be “overshadowed” by his fame.

Wanda Nara would have left “Circo Rodas” for Fury. Instagram,.

It was Fede Flowers who spoke on the subject. The journalist published a forceful message on the social network X (formerly Twitter). In addition, he revealed that Wanda had already received the money for her participation and that, when she got off her, she returned it.

Wanda Nara backed out of the performance at the Circo Rodas that she was to share with Furia. The date was set, the fee was paid. She was going to be the godmother and was going to occupy a privileged place but she did not want to share the stage with Furia. She is afraid that he will steal her attention. She returned the money,” Flowers wrote on the aforementioned social network.

Later, Fede reappeared and assured that Wanda’s decision had made another celebrity reflect, although he did not reveal who it was.

Flowers said Wanda would not have been the only one. Instagram.

According to the journalist, after it emerged that the media had left the event so as not to “compete” with Furia, another artist would have decided not to participate.

Flowers explained that he would have called the organizers of the presentation and the argument for his decision would have been that a trip arose that was not planned.

“Wanda Nara left the presentation at the Circus Rodas that she would share with Furia. The date was closed, the cache was paid. She was going to be the godmother and was going to occupy a privileged place but she did not want to share the stage with Furia. She fears that I took center stage. He returned the money,” Fede said.


This is how Federico Bongiorno told it on the Bondi Live stream channel.

It should be noted that Furia does not stop generating controversy. This week it was learned that the player would have a “black list” with the people who spoke badly about her while she was in the house and that she does not want to make notes with the journalists who did not support her or who criticized her.

“Apparently Furia has a ‘black list’ of 40 people that her sister gave her of all the people who spoke badly of her,” revealed Fefe Bongiorno in the cycle that he hosts on the streaming Bondi.

And he added: “Of course, this list includes Angel de Brito, THE M. They are also found Georgina (Barbarossa), (Diego) Poggi and The Torah

“She starts to tell (La Tora) ‘I’m not going to go to your program, I’m not going to go with Poggi either.’ The Torah, to be honest, took it very calmly,” she stated.

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