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Kratos explains if he felt betrayed by Alejo in the Challenge

Kratos was eliminated from cycle 11 in Challenge 2024 and one of the topics that gave the most to talk about was the moment when Alejo and Luisa mentioned it as one of the options to wear the Sentence Vest.

As expected, the athlete found out about the situation when he left the competition. Due to this, during an exclusive interview with, he confessed what he thinks about the issue and if he felt betrayed by his Omega teammates.

Learn more:Kratos, eliminated from Challenge 2024, reacted to the memes made about him on networks

Kratos of the Challenge talks about Alejo

The Bogota native clarified that he only saw the members of Beta making the decision to put the Sentence Vest on him, although He did recognize that he had already been named by his companions, just as happened with Tinkerbell two cycles before him.

“I condemn that act, I feel it was wrong, he as a leader should not have done that”he commented. Additionally, he mentioned that he has nothing to say about Luisa, because he feels that she always behaved well and when something similar happened, he told her directly that he would go to the Black Box and he did not hide it.

“I feel that Alejo’s mistake was that, saying our names, the second was not telling us, if we had known it wouldn’t have happened so much.”no one outside would have known”he said. However, he emphasized that he will not condemn him as a person, because he showed him very good things during the competition.

Kratos mentioned that his partner and captain of the pink squad is a good human being who made a mistake. He hopes that when he leaves the competition they can talk and apologize if necessary. For the moment we will continue sending you the best energy.

Likewise, he insisted that The responsibility of staying was his, everything that happened in the individual test belonged to him. and it was the one that lost, so she understands that Alejo does not bear the burden of his teammate no longer being on the team.
Watch more:Kratos, eliminated from the Challenge, tells how he went beyond the physical limit during the competition

How much money does Kratos take from the Challenge?

The truth is that the challenger leaves the Colombian reality show with more money than Campanita, the man eliminated before him in his group, who took home eight million. According to production information, the Bogota resident takes home 19,530,000 million pesos.

It seems that in two cycles the members of the pink team have been able to recover, since This was the sum that the dancer had before Beta took 50% of his earnings.. On the other hand, Lina, who left the Challenge first than her two companions, confessed in an exclusive interview that she had a little more than 18 million.

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