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Priscila Espinoza, ‘Gracia Rizo Patrón’ in ‘Pituca sin lucas’: she studied journalism, her obsession with her weight and more | IMP | history of showbiz | ENTERTAINMENT

She is an actress, journalist, dreams of being a writer and currently plays the funny María Grazia Rizo Patrón in the soap opera ‘Pituca sin lucas’. Priscila Espinoza is a real box of surprises, but above all a talented and outspoken woman.

Priscila, three qualities that define you…

Very passionate, sincere and empathetic

And two defects…

I can put five hundred people before me and sometimes I can’t hide my face of… to put it nicely… my face of displeasure ha, ha, ha. But it’s not because I’m mean, but because I’m overthinking a thousand things.

The first thing that catches your attention about a man…

The shape of the look. If he has the look of a hunter who is looking for his prey, bye bye. But when his gaze is friendly, tender or sincere, I love it. The look never lies.

Are you intense or relaxed in your relationships?

We are both very calm, but I think I’m the clown in the relationship ha, ha, ha. I like to play and see him laugh, always. I’m very affectionate and spoiled.

How jealous are you?

Recontra jealous. As a child I went and made scenes of jealousy, over time I have learned to control it. I have also understood that jealousy is not bad, it is natural, you just don’t have to get carried away by impulses and be toxic. At 30 years old I already learned to choose my battles.

Have you forgiven any infidelity?

No, I have never had to forgive because I always found out later, ha, ha, ha.

Do you think exes can be friends?

I don’t know if they’re friends, but they’re a cordial relationship. You don’t have to eliminate them from your life completely. Of course, it depends on how the relationship ended. But friendship, like going back to being jerks… I don’t know, I think there’s a lot of temptation.

Would you like to be a mother?

Yes of course. And now I feel with a certain capacity to assume that great responsibility. And, in fact, my current partner and I talked about it from the beginning, before everything got more serious.

If you weren’t an actress, what would you be?

I am a writer, and I actually have texts and stories that I have written and I hope to publish soon. I also studied Journalism.

A dream come true…

Being an actress, totally. I mean, as a child I looked in the mirror and hallucinated that I was receiving the Oscar. If I told that eight-year-old girl that she made it, that she is an actress and she makes a living from it… she wouldn’t believe me.

A smell that reminds you of your childhood…

The smell of vanilla cake. We always had lunch as a family and at least two or three times a week we made vanilla cake for lunch. We took advantage of that moment to talk.

What Peruvian dessert or food would you be?

A flan, ha ha ha, because it’s simple but really good. And I consider myself that way.

Your first job and at what age…

When I was 17 I worked in a bookstore to buy a blackberry (cell phone). My mom didn’t want to buy me any more phones because I always lost them.

What would the soap opera of your life be called…

Love tattoos. Because every time someone close to me dies, I get it tattooed. I have two so far and another one is coming.

A beauty tip that you always follow…

I can’t leave my house without having curled my eyelashes and I put ice on my face in the mornings to reduce inflammation.

Are you impulsive or do you think before you speak?

I’m so impulsive, but now I think a little bit about why something I’ve said or done has affected those around me. My mom can teach you a lesson about that because she’s the one who has suffered the most. They say my motto in life is ‘better to ask for forgiveness than permission’.

How you relax?

I read crime and mystery books.

Three songs that recharge your energy…

Dog days are over, Snail soup and It must be because I love you.

A hobby that few know about…

Almost no one knows that I write, because the only person I have taught what I write to is my sister. Her and that I should publish, but I think you have to be very brave to publish and deal with criticism.

Your biggest fear…

Clowns and loneliness.

What has been the most difficult moment you have experienced so far?

The death of my dad, because he was the person I had the most connection with in the world and the one who pushed me the most to be an actress. He never saw me in this role. I would love to tell him, ‘Hey, I got this soap opera.’ I would want him to come down from heaven, even for a little while, to celebrate with me. You are never ready to lose someone you love.

Would you like to know what you are going to die of?

No, just surprise me. But please let it be something that lets me say a few last words, even if it’s just a mini goodbye.

A piece of advice that you remember to this day…

If the problem has a solution, what are you worrying about? And if there is no solution… what are you worrying about?

The part of your body that you like the most…

Before it was my eyes, but now that I’ve fixed my teeth… my smile ha, ha, ha.

How do you see yourself in ten years?

With a big family, a good husband, lots of animals and a production company that can bring more industry to the province.

Do you regret anything?

If you asked me this question five years ago, I would say yes and a lot of things. But not right now. They have been slapped with reality for who I am now. But if I start thinking about one thing… look, I haven’t said this, but for a long time I was obsessed with my weight and I didn’t go to meetings so as not to eat and not gain weight. I didn’t have eating disorders, but I was obsessed with my figure because television doesn’t allow you to gain weight or age. So, I regret missing out on situations by fitting into a bubble that I didn’t belong in. I would have liked to have the self-esteem that I have now.

How did you jump over that wall? Did you need psychological help?

In the pandemic. A lot of people started talking about working out at home, etc. And my roommate just had a lipoplasty and I swear that I saw her suffering so much, training super hard… I mean, when I saw through other eyes that she didn’t feel perfect and beautiful, that’s when she told me ‘Aaalaaa, this is how I look. me, obsessed with a diet, obsessed with an exercise routine.’ Probably if I hadn’t seen my roommate like that, she would have also gone under the knife. Seeing from another perspective I realized that this is how I could end up, getting lipo to fit into something that was never going to fit. It was a slap.


You now play María Gracia Rizo Patrón in the soap opera Pitucas sin lucas. Do you consider yourself a ‘pituca’ like her?

Playing the character of María Gracia is quite a challenge, but I’m loving her more and more every day. I’ve wanted to play a role like this for a long time. And I think I consider myself ‘posh’ because I’ve always liked to invest in clothes, perfumes, and trendy restaurants, but I’m short on money, ha, ha, ha.

It’s a character quite far from those you’ve played before, what does María Gracia Rizo Patrón mean in your life?

Wow a lot. It’s very different from what I am on a day-to-day basis. I don’t want to justify it, but to interpret it is to enter into shadows and amazing personal conflicts that I thought would never come. Touching on the topic of infidelity, confusion, loss, abandonment, daddy issues… it’s a lot, actually. It’s a challenge day by day, really. She, in short, acts like her dad. She runs away from problems and goes through warm water. I love the character, I’m enjoying it too much.

People have received it very well… there are two very clear groups, they either love it or hate it…

There is no middle ground, exactly. You either love her or hate her. The reception she has had is wonderful. But I try not to read the comments on social media because I don’t want the anti-MariaGrcia team to influence how I develop the character, because believe me, it can happen ha, ha, ha. Sometimes people tell me on the street ‘Oh, I love you, I mean you make mistakes and everything but you are so funny and that’s why I forgive you’ ha, ha, ha. Everything we are experiencing with the cast of Pituca sin lucas is beautiful.

Latina Television presents ‘Pituca sin Lucas’ the new family soap opera. (Diffusion)
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