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Who is leaving Big Brother according to the most voted poll

The final of Big Brother is just around the corner and this Sunday a decision will be made new deleted in the reality show. In this context, there are already several polls pointing to this week’s three nominees: Bautista Mascia, Darío Martínez Corti and Emma Vich.

There are often polls on social media about who will be eliminated from the house each week. While these polls serve to give a trend or idea of ​​what people want, it is clear that the points are played out on the court and everything is decided by the official telephone vote.

Who will be the next eliminated from Big Brother?

After Nico Grosman won the leader test that gave him the pass to the final of Big Brotherthe next to be eliminated will be decided between Bautista, Emmanuel and Darío. In this sense, the public gave their verdict and expressed on social media who they want out of the most famous house in the world.

For example, the TN portal launched its own survey and the story is super close. On their website it appears that for the moment Darío will be the one who leaves the reality show with 42% of the votes, closely followed by Bautista, who has 39%. Emma completes the trident with just 19%.

Now, Santiago del Moro, for example, launched a separate vote with his followers. In one of the GH host’s stories, there is a clear tendency for Darío to be the one who stays outside the house, adding up to an overwhelming 64% (Emma has 19% and Bauti 17%).

For his part, Fefe Bongiorno also opened the game for his followers. The specialist Big Brother (also producer of LAM and Patria y Familia in Luzu) also has an audience that wants the man from La Plata outside, who has 58.1% of the votes against 21.3% for the Uruguayan and 15.2% for the man from Córdoba (5.4% did not decide who to vote for).

What do the polls say about the next GH elimination?

And if we talk about specialists, we cannot leave out Gastón Trezeguet, GH analyst in El debate that is broadcast daily on Telefe. In the producer’s survey it can be seen that the candidate to leave is Bautista with 48.1% of the votes, closely followed by Darío with 47.8% (Emma completes with 4.1%).

The truth is that all these predictions point to Darío being the next to be eliminated from the house. However, as was said before, the votes that really count are those by phone and the mystery will end this Sunday at midnight when Del Moro announces the public’s choice.

Santiago del Moro’s survey on who will be eliminated next.
Polls by Gaston Trezeguet and Fefe Bongiorno.
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