Mexico: he tried to take a selfie next to a moving train and died | Imprudence at the service of social networks

Mexico: he tried to take a selfie next to a moving train and died | Imprudence at the service of social networks
Mexico: he tried to take a selfie next to a moving train and died | Imprudence at the service of social networks

Recklessness in the service of social networks claimed another victim when A woman died after being hit by a train piston while trying to take a selfie in Mexico.

The tragic event occurred in the municipality of Nopala de Villagrán, in the state of Hidalgo. There, several people gathered to take a photo during the passage of the steam locomotive known as The Empress, but one woman went much further and, As she approached dangerously close to the tracks, she was hit in the back of the head by a piston, killing her instantly.

The event was recorded and in the images you can see the brutal scene that killed one of the dozens of people who had gotten dangerously close to the edge of the tracks to watch the passage of the historic train. The Empress 2816, from Canada.

Although in the video it is seen that a man moves the woman’s body away from the tracks, he could not do anything to reanimate the now lifeless body.

The company statement

After the fatal event, the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) Mexico railway company issued a warning about the distance that people who want to see the locomotive should have: “Take care of your life! Even if you are not standing on the tracks, you must leave a distance of at least 10 meters from the train path because it is wider and any of its parts can hit you”published on his official account on the social network X.

In Brazil, but without a fatal ending

A similar event occurred in Brazil when a cyclist was trying to take a selfie before a passing train and was hit by it, but without fatal consequences.

In the video you can see how the train hits the woman and she falls among her friends. However, the cyclists did not move away and continued posing to take photos and videos despite the fact that the driver honked the horn several times to warn them of the danger.

Firefighters reported that while treating the victim, she said she did not realize she was so close to the train. According to what they said, she only fractured a rib, while a friend suffered a cut on her thigh due to the impact.

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