Gantz announces his departure from Netanyahu’s government

Gantz announces his departure from Netanyahu’s government
Gantz announces his departure from Netanyahu’s government

Benny Gantz, head of the Hamajané Hamamlajtí party, announced this Sunday his departure from Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

During his announcement at a press conference, Gantz He assured that he decided to join in October Netanyahu even though he knew it was “a bad government,” in order to contribute to the war against Hamas.

The decision to join, he said, was not about politics, but to fight for the good of Israel after October 7th.

However, he accused Netanyahu to destroy the governmental unity and oppose its political objectives.

“Critical strategic decisions run up against hesitations and delays due to political considerations,” he said.

“We try to influence the direction of the country behind closed doors. The truth is that reality is not simple. The campaign will last years, I do not guarantee them a quick and easy victory, but they deserve more than empty promises,” he declared.

Gantz He stated that it was not difficult to take the step of leaving the government in the face of the wreckage that Israel currently faces, calling it “complex.”

The politician also accused Netanyahu of being the obstacle to Israel achieving what he called “a real victory” in this war.

In this line, Gantz urged Netanyahu to dissolve the government and call new elections in Israelso that a new government is established that Israelis trust and manages to deal with the challenges.

With Gantz They also abandoned the government of Netanyahu his party colleagues, Gadi Eisenkot and Jili Tropperwho were also part of the unity cabinet.

After the announcement of Gantz, Netanyahu He said he was open to receiving into his government any other party that is willing to collaborate in the war efforts.

“Citizens of Israelwe will continue until victory and the achievement of all the objectives of the war, mainly the liberation of all our hostages and the elimination of Hamas.

“My door will remain open to any Zionist party that is willing to help achieve victory over our enemies and guarantee the security of our citizens,” he concluded.

For his part, the opposition leader, Yair Lapiddescribed the departure of Gantz of the government of Netanyahu.

“The time has come to change this extremist and evil government for a sensible one that will lead to the restoration of security for the citizens of Israelthe return of the hostages, the rehabilitation of the economy and the international position of Israel“, said.

It was planned that Gantz made its announcement on Saturday but it was postponed due to the rescue of the IDF of 4 hostages in the center of Loop.

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