The United States launches a plan that will give residence permits to migrants

The United States launches a plan that will give residence permits to migrants
The United States launches a plan that will give residence permits to migrants

Border between Mexico and the United States | Europa Press


The president of United States, Joe Bidenannounced this Tuesday a plan to regularize the situation of couples of US citizens who do not have nationality, an initiative from which more than half a million people will benefit.

Biden’s plan to “keeping American families together” It will allow these people to obtain permanent residence status without having to leave the country, with a view to “promoting family unity and strengthening the North American economy.”

The measure aims to reach around 500,000 people married to US citizens and around 50,000 of their children, with a maximum age of 21 years. The Government establishes the requirements that they have resided in the United States for at least ten years before June 17, 2024.

The White House highlighted in a statement that, although “President Biden believes that securing the border is essential,” he also believes that it is part of the “social fabric” of the United States to “expand legal avenues and keep families together,” given realize that these people also “pay taxes and contribute to their communities.”

In fact, part of the focus of these new changes is on the so-called ‘dreamers’, people who came to the United States when they were still children and whom Washington wants. “bring out of the shadows.” The authorities will make it easier for them to receive work visas “more quickly” if they have higher education and have a job.

Message to Republicans

Migration is set to be one of the major axes of the campaign for the November elections and Biden has taken advantage of these latest announcements to urge Congress to contribute, given that he considers that the immigration system is “broken.” However, the federal government believes that Republicans “put party politics before national security.”

Likewise, the White House reviewed some other measures adopted by the Administration to reduce the arrival of migrants, including limits on the granting of asylum for those who enter the country illegally and the reinforcement of security measures at the border.

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