Seismologists from six countries participate in a scientific expedition in Cuban waters

Seismologists from six countries participate in a scientific expedition in Cuban waters
Seismologists from six countries participate in a scientific expedition in Cuban waters

Experts from six countries are participating in a scientific expedition in Caribbean waters, with emphasis on the area around the northern area of ​​Santiago de Cuba, considered to have high seismic activity, as part of investigations that will last until the month of August.

The Pourquoi-Pas? oceanographic fleet (Why not?), of French origin, embarked on a trip several days ago, as part of the Haiti-Twist marine scientific research project, with researchers from Cuba, France, Belgium, Germany, Haiti and the United States, who determine parameters geophysicists and use equipment to obtain reliable records of possible faults, indicates the TV Santiago telecenter.

Its objective is to analyze the risks of the active system of twin faults, located on the northern edge of the Caribbean tectonic plate, and to recover seismometers installed on the ocean floor.

Dr. Bladimir Moreno Toiran, specialist at the National Center for Seismological Research (Cenais), in Santiago de Cuba, explained that the marine expedition also seeks to study the tectonic history and structure of the crust, in addition to the mantle in the area, as well as « characterize the behavior and movement of the tectonic fault, and identify the thermal state and the role of fluids in the fault rupture process.

He argued that, during the campaign, scheduled for about 53 days of travel, different geophysical measurements will be analyzed, including multichannel reflection seismic and open-angle seismic, with seismometers deposited on the seabed.

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