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Israel hindered a quarter of United Nations missions in Gaza

United Nations, May 2.- Israeli authorities hindered a quarter of humanitarian missions in northern Gaza in April, said the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

A report released by the spokesperson for the Secretary General (António Guterres), Stéphane Dujarric, denounced the continued access limitations faced by United Nations workers on the ground to bring vital supplies.

Among others, the spokesperson mentioned denials of planned missions or prolonged delays at military checkpoints established by Israel on the roads between northern and southern Gaza.

These affected a quarter of the operations while 10 percent were denied, he confirmed.

The UN and its humanitarian partners continue our efforts to expand aid operations wherever possible, the spokesperson noted however.

For its part, the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) estimated this Wednesday that during the current round of hostilities it reached hundreds of thousands of Gazan homes with essential aid despite the violence, Israeli controls and lack of financing.

However, this assistance is far from being enough to alleviate the humanitarian crisis that the Palestinian territory has suffered since October 7, UNRWA said.

The organization, considered the main actor on the ground, brought flour in the last six months to more than 380 thousand families that depend on this basic food to prevent famine.

According to the World Food Program (WFP), aid increased in Gaza over the past month, when the average truckload increased to 190 trucks per day, up from 161 in March.

However, the UN considers that these figures are far from being enough to end the humanitarian crisis.

OCHA insisted on its requests for an urgent significant increase in entry, recalling that before October 7, 500 trucks entered the enclave daily with crucial supplies for the population. (PL) (Photo: Taken from the Internet)

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