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Argentina fell 26 places in the global Press Freedom ranking

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The map of press freedom in the world prepared by Reporters Without Borders.

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Reporters Without Borders, the influential defense organization freedom of the pressissued a warning about the decline in government support for this fundamental right when presenting its latest annual world ranking.

According to RSF, more and more governments and political figures fail to provide an exemplary environment for the practice of journalism and the right of citizens to access reliable, independent and plural information.

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What Reporters Without Borders says about Argentina

“The high concentration and opacity of media ownership, polarization, the absence of public policies to guarantee plurality, as well as the precariousness of the practice of journalism constitute the main threats to the freedom of the press in Argentina. All of this paves the way for the pressure from the government and companies through private and state advertising, and the partisan use of national, provincial and municipal public media. The arrival to power of Javier Milei, openly hostile to the press, marks a new and worrying turning point for the guarantee of the right to information in the country“, describes Reporters Without Borders.

For RSF, “in certain provinces far from Buenos Aires, free expression is more conditioned by the connivance of economic and political powers, which increases threats. The closure of the main news agency, Telamin 2024 represents a serious blow to the right to information.

The report details that “the promotion of hatred and violence finds echo in media of various tendencies. Delicate social, economic and political issues are kept out of public debate, and the media agenda is highly concentrated in large cities, especially in Buenos Aires. Aires. The far-right president Javier Milei, elected in 2023, encourages attacks on journalists and attacks to discredit media and reporters critical of his policies. His supporters spread it widely.”

Here the complete ranking prepared by RSF:

Freedom of the Press in the World 2.JPG

The ranking prepared by Reporters Without Borders on press freedom.

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