Euro ES Euro

How much did it close this Monday, June 3

Look at how much the official euro and the blue euro traded at.


He euro today -without taxes- closed at $954.00 for purchase and $1,020.00 for sale for sale, according to Banco Nación.

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Regarding the price in the black currency market, in line with the blue dollar, the parallel euro was sold at $1,306.46 for purchase and $1,338.99 for sale, according to caves surveyed by Ambit.

Countries that use the European currency as currency are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands and Portugal.

How much is the official dollar trading at today, Monday, June 3

In the official exchange market, the wholesale dollar climbed $1.50 to $897.00, after ending May with an advance of $19 (2.2%).

How much did the blue dollar close at today, Monday, June 3

He blue dollar rose to $1,205 for purchase and $1,235 for sale this Monday, June 3, according to a survey of Ambit in the caves of the City.

How much is the MEP dollar trading at today, Monday, June 3

He MEP dollar climbed 4.8% to $1,269.91, so the gap with the official drops to 41.7%.

Value of the CCL dollar today, Monday, June 3

He dollar Cash with Settlement (CCL) advanced 3.5% to $1,297.47 and the spread with the official it was at 44.7%

Price of the dollar card today, Monday, June 3

He dollar card or touristand the dollar savings (either solidary) the month started in $1,465.60.

Quote of the crypto dollar today, Monday, June 3

He crypto dollar or Bitcoin dollar operates at $1,263.39according to Bitso.

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