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The “vacuum” of the libertarian government before the triumph of Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico | And hit the anti-diplomacy

The Government of Javier Milei marked one more chapter in the saga of libertarian “anti-diplomacy”: after the resounding victory of Claudia Sheinbaumwho became the first elected president in the history of Mexico after an election that was defined since early Sunday night, the Foreign Ministry delayed until Monday the congratulations, which finally arrived through a cold and uncomfortable communication. Neither Javier Milei nor Diana Mondino sent greetings or expressed congratulations personally. Ignore historic election in which the former mayor of Mexico City obtained around 60 percent of the votes, her party reached a qualified majority in the Chamber of Deputies and, according to official figures, she could do the same in the Senators, it was the diplomatic solution that found Freedom Advances.

The contrast with the presidents of the region and the world it became too obvious. As well as the difference with former presidents Alberto Fernández, who was present in the bunker of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), and with Cristina Kirchner, who published a video analyzing the historic triumph. Perhaps because the President was too busy trying to tackle the undelivered food scandal and the corruption discovered in the Ministry of Human Capital and shielding his minister, the truth is that the silence around the key regional election became too much. thunderous.

“The Government of the Argentine Republic greets the People and the Government of Mexico for the election day held this Sunday, June 2, while extending its congratulations to the elected President Claudia Sheinbaum,” began the (too) measured words of Chancellery. “On the 135th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries, the Argentine Government renews its willingness to continue developing the bilateral work agenda.”

That an ignorant person like López Obrador speaks ill of me exalts me“Milei had said last March, during an interview with CNN in which he also railed against Gustavo Petro, against Venezuela, against Cuba. He never retracted that adjective for a peer from the region.

Cristina Kirchner’s video

Meanwhile, in a video published on networks, former president Cristina Kirchner congratulated not only the president-elect and the president, but also the Morena movement “founded by AMLO, which caused profound transformations in the sister nation of Mexico and which was the total basis and absolute for this historic triumph”. And above all, she said, to the Mexican people: “It was a celebration of democracy,” she assessed.

“This is from militant to militant. She knew how to empower herself with this transformative project that improved the living conditions of many Mexicans with great conviction and feeling part of a project and not from an individuality,” he noted about Claudia Sheinbaum.

And he analyzed: “For there to be a very good electoral result, there must first be a political result. It is definitely linked. And see how despite the pandemic, because Claudia had to go through that process being head of the DF, when a project is taken as its own , because it has improved living conditions, this is recognized by all citizens.

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