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The story of Zoraya, who at the age of 29 died by euthanasia after battling depression

A young woman from the Netherlands died at the age of 29 through euthanasia due to mental problems she suffered. Although the woman was physically healthy, she struggled for more than a decade against depression, autism and a personality disorder.

Zoraya ter Beek died on May 22, shortly after turning 29, with the help of the Dutch Euthanasia Expert Center, according to one of her best friends on her personal blog.

Zoraya lived in a small town in the Netherlands near Germany. He was there with her partner and her two cats.

In a poignant reflection of the complexities surrounding mental health and the right to die, Zoraya He chose euthanasia as his last resort after a long battle with depression, autism and borderline personality disorder. Despite being physically healthy, ter Beek’s mental health issues led her to this heartbreaking decision, marking a significant moment that challenges perceptions about euthanasia and mental illness.

Ter Beek’s life, filled with her love for her boyfriend and her cats, and her aspirations to become a psychiatrist, underscores the depth of her internal battle. Her decision to undergo euthanasia in May, a legal option in the Netherlands since 2001, is a testament to her enduring pain and the lack of improvement in her condition despite her efforts and treatments..

The case illuminates a broader and somewhat controversial trend in Western societies, where people suffering from serious mental health problems increasingly consider euthanasia, traditionally associated with terminal physical illnesses.

This change raises ethical questions and concerns, especially among health professionals and ethicists such as Stef Groenewoud of Kampen Theological University, who notes an apparent willingness to give up on young patients with psychiatric illnesses.

Zoraya ter Beek underwent euthanasia in the Netherlands.

During the meticulously planned procedure, Ter Beek was sedated and then given medication by a doctor in the presence of her boyfriend, in the familiar atmosphere of her living room.

This story also highlights the Netherlands’ pioneering role in legalizing assisted dying and its growing prevalence, with thousands of people choosing this path annually.. Sharing his journey and decision on social media, ter Beek’s narrative offered a raw and intimate look at the struggles of those living with deep mental anguish and the complex interplay between autonomy, suffering and the right to choose one’s life. own destiny.

ter Beek’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the invisible battles many face and the need for continued dialogue, understanding and compassion to address the spectrum of mental health challenges in our society.

Zoraya ter Beek suffered from depression and serious mental health problems.


Zoraya ter Beek is one of the approximately 700 psychiatric patients in the Netherlands who requested euthanasia from the Euthanasia Expert Center, citing “desperate and unbearable suffering.”

According to The Free Press, more and more people with mental illness are choosing to end their lives in the country. Although the euthanasia law has been in force since 2002, the number does not stop growing. In 2010, only two of these cases were recorded, compared to the 138 assisted deaths reported last year.

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