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5 reasons why cockroaches come to your kitchen and you probably didn’t know

There is nothing worse than the visit of insects in our kitchen, since it is the area where we prepare all our food and store our utensils that we use to eat. The cockroaches They are unfortunately one of the most common and annoying pests that invade our home.

The cockroaches Not only are they insects that make us anxious and afraid, they can also carry diseases such as dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, among others that can aggravate allergies, especially in children. For this reason, it is best to know why they come to our home and mainly to our kitchen.

Their favorite place to live is our kitchen, but do you know why they choose this specific area? Whom Gastrolabwe will tell you 5 reasons why cockroaches come to your kitchen and you probably didn’t know. Knowing the reasons for the presence of these insects will help us take action on the matter and keep our home free of them.

Cleaning and hygiene to avoid a cockroach infestation. Photo: Pixabay

1. Food

The first and most logical is because they find food very easily here, so every time you cook remember to clean any food residue as this attracts them very easily.

2. Water

Like us, they need water to live, which is why you commonly see them in the sink or dishwasher. So, avoid splashing this area and periodically check that you do not have any water leaks.

3. Environment

They also look for a comfortable temperature and the refrigerator motor provides them with that comfort, which is why you should occasionally move this appliance to maintain good cleanliness so that these insects do not make their nests in this area.

4. Darkness

Something they also really enjoy is dark places with little movement, such as our shelves. So at least once a month we recommend that you do a deep clean on them to dust, rearrange and avoid a cozy area for this. plague.

5. Garbage

The smells of decaying food delight people. cockroachesthat is why garbage works like a magnet to attract them, so take this into account and do not keep the waste inside your kitchen for many days, as far as possible, remove the waste from this area every day.

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