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They denounce a plan by Nicolás Maduro to annul the candidacy of the opponent González Urrutia in Venezuela | Today news

The presidential candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform, Edmundo González Urrutia, during a public event in Caracas, Venezuela.


The former anti-Chavista governor César Pérez Vivas warned about an alleged plan by the Government of Venezuela to annul the presidential candidacy of former ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia, who has the support of the main opposition bloc, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), for the elections on December 28. July. “Nicolás Maduro’s command is preparing a fraud against the electoral process, it is toying with the idea of ​​attacking the electoral process,” said Pérez Vivas in a video that he shared through X.

According to what he said, “in the last few hours,” the president of Parliament and head of the official campaign command, Jorge Rodríguez, and the deputy Diosdado Cabello, considered the number two of Chavismo, have held meetings with magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ). ), made up of judges related to the Government, “with the objective of annulling the candidacy of Edmundo Gónzález on the cards that the opposition has, so that we abandon electoral work.”

The former governor, who did not show evidence of his accusations, called this alleged plan “macabre”, which, he assured, is intended to “disregard the opposition in the electoral process when there are five or seven days left” for the elections. “We are prepared. They are not going to take us by surprise, we know what they are planning. If they dare to do that, there will be another response, a political, electoral, democratic response,” he stressed.

Former presidential candidate Luis Ratti, who for years was a member of Chavismo, filed a lawsuit before the TSJ against the electoral card of the opposition coalition, the party symbol that has received the most votes in the history of Venezuelan elections.

Reactions to the complaint against the Maduro government

Through X, before Twitter, Nicmer Evans, director of the medium Cut point, shared a statement, issued by Espacio Consenso Para Un Nuevo País, which rejects and condemns the Government’s alleged intention to annul the electoral cards that support the candidate of the Unitary Platform. “If this desperate measure is true, in our opinion, it would be another demonstration of the moral, ethical, political and electoral defeat suffered by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela in the face of the democratizing wave that the Venezuelan people have been promoting.”

The text also establishes that, “in the face of this attempt to remove us from the electoral route, Venezuelans, organized and mobilized, decided to change with the massive vote this July 28 to the most disastrous government in republican history. “We will defend our sovereignty with the Constitution, the laws and citizen participation.” However, the document does not ignore that said intention of the Venezuelan administration would further limit freedom of choice, in the midst of a crisis that is becoming increasingly accentuated.

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